Course Description:
A one-credit seminar designed to support students with an interest or curiosity for research in computational topology and geoemetry.
This seminar course introduces students to research in computational topology and geometry. After taking this course, students will be able to:
- Read and discuss recent research in the field..
- Present (both orally and written) topics in computational topology and geometry to peers.
When? Please seee slack for details.
Where? CompTaG lab (Barnard 346) or Zoom (please see email for link)
The preferred method to ask questions relating to this class is via Slack message. Students are also encouraged to visit me during my office hours.
This repo contians the syllabus for this class.
Your grade for this class will be determined by:
- Participation in the seminar (almost every week)
- Presenting in the seminar / leading a breakout room (at least three times throughout the semester)
- Notes and reflections from seminar meetings
- Feedback to peers on presentations
- Working on the open problems or background research beyond the confides of the seminar
This seminar course is one (1) credit, which is about 50 hours of work throughout the semester. Please log your hours through the repo that we set-up in At the end of the semester, students will prepare a document summarizing their participation in the CompTaG seminar.
Each semester, the format of the seminar changes, depending on who is attending and current research going on in the group. Some seminar formats include:
- SoCG papers: In Spring semesters, we often select three-ish papers accepted to SoCG and take three weeks to discuss each paper. Roughly, the three weeks are broken down as follows: Week 1 typically goes over background material (that may or may not be in the background of the paper. Week 2 discusses the results of the paper itself. Week 3 discusses where the research can go from here.
- Open problems: When we want to dive into assorted open problems for a semester, we typically spend a couple weeks selecting four open problems. Then, each open problem will have three weeks dedicated to it. Week 1 will go overthe problem and what is already known. Week 2 will be working on the problem in small groups. Week 3 will depend on the problem and the progress made.
- CompTaG research: Some semesters, we focus on diving deeper into the research going on within the CompTaG research group. In these semesters, some presentations are focused on the basics of CompTag, which gives seasoned CompTaG members a chance to practice explaining the basics and new members a chance to catch up on the background. Other weeks dive into the actual research problems students are working on, with a focus on discussing any sticking points and highlighting where there's room for more people to join a project.
In addition, ech semester, we may have some weeks where the presentation are practice presentations for conferences, lectures by visiting scholars, or roundtables to discuss sticking points for current research.
Montana State University considers the diversity of its students, faculty, and staff to be a strength and critical to its educational mission. MSU expects every member of the university community to contribute to an inclusive and respectful culture for all in its classrooms, work environments, and at campus events. Dimensions of diversity can include sex, race, age, national origin, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, intellectual and physical ability, sexual orientation, income, faith and non-faith perspectives, socio-economic status, political ideology, education, primary language, family status, military experience, cognitive style, and communication style. The individual intersection of these experiences and characteristics must be valued in our community.
If there are aspects of the design, instruction, and/or experiences within this course that result in barriers to your inclusion or accurate assessment of achievement, please notify the instructor as soon as possible and/or contact Disability Services or the Office of Institutional Equity.
- Onboarding in CompTaG
- Git Udacity Course
- Forking in Git
- Markdown
- More Markdown
- Inkscape Can Tutorial
This syllabus was created, using wording from previous courses taught by myself, as well as my colleagues. Thanks all!