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Test: Catalogue

Maria Khaydar edited this page Feb 11, 2025 · 23 revisions



Assets under Catalogue are for viewing the Equipment that can be added under the Cold Chain module in Open mSupply.

  • Choose Catalogue -> Assets in the Navigation Panel.
  • You will be presented with a list of Assets (if you don't see any, you are probably just starting!).
  • To view or use the list of Assets, User Permissions must be given to the default user. Instructions can be found here

Importing & Exporting Assets

  • On the page, you are able to import new assets into your store. Click on the Import button to get started.
  • You will have an option to download a template you can fill out - please note, on a tablet, the function of downloading the file is not supported, so you can only fill out the template when testing on a desktop.
  • Open the template - you will see some columns with hints on how to fill them out - e.g. code or type, and some columns that are left blank. Play around with the cells for testing purposes - e.g. try uploading duplicated assets (same code), leave some cells blank, fill out all the cells etc. It is good to try and upload a few files to test different scenarios on how users might fill out the spreadsheet.
  • If you run into any errors during import, the editing window should let you know which cells are causing the issues - e.g. it can let you know X isn't a valid class, Y isn't a valid Category. You are also able to export the file with errors and edit that instead of your original spreadsheet.
  • Once all the errors are fixed, your import should be successful - the new assets will now appear in your list view. Make sure the details match the ones you entered when importing.
  • Clicking on the Export button downloads a CSV file with all the assets that have been added to your store.

Manage Asset Log Reasons

  • In the top right corner, you should be able to click Manage asset log reasons which will open another window with options.
  • In the top right corner, click Create Log Reason - you should be able to enter the name and choose a status to associate with it. The choice is 6 options - Decommissioned, Functioning, Functioning but needs attention, Not functioning, Not in use & Unserviceable.
  • You should also be able to delete Log Reasons. You should also be able to filter by status.


  • Make sure all the sorting works - click on each column twice and make sure the page is not crashing, there is no infinite loading spinner and the sorting is working as expected.
  • You can filter by most columns - at the moment, there are options between Category, Code, Manufacturer, Model, Sub catalogue and Type. Make sure filtering produces appropriate results - for example, the results match whatever you enter and don't show any extra lines.
  • Rows per page should be working as expected, and you are able to click through pages.




Currently, omSupply does not have the functionality to add items, and they have to be added through mSupply and synced. This is not included in testing.

  • Choose Catalogue -> Items in the Navigation Panel.
  • You will be presented with a list of Items (if you don't see any, you are probably just starting!).

Item Details

  • When clicking on a specific item, you will see 4 tabs - General, Master Lists, Ledger and Variants.
  • General: you will see general details for the item. At this stage, none of them are editable in omSupply -> as a part of testing this suite, change a few details in mSupply, sync both stores and see if the details have updated in omSupply.
  • If you are testing on a Remote Site (e.g. not a Central Server), you will be able to assign a Cold chain storage location with temperature ranges on that page. This is not available on the Central Server - once tested on a Remote Site, make sure your changes are saved.
  • Master Lists: you will see all Master Lists the item is currently a part of. To test this, add this item to a few Master Lists and remove from a few in mSupply, sync and see if the changes are saved.
  • Ledger: you will be able to see all historic transactions the item was a part of. Item Ledger is tested thoroughly as a part of Stock Movement Workflows testing suite, so we will not go in-depth here. However, it is still worth checking the item balance makes sense through the transactions and nothing really stands out! Also, clicking on a specific transaction will bring you to that transaction - unless it was an inventory adjustment, which does not have an 'entry' in omSupply.


  • Variants: you will be able to create Item Variants. On OMS Central server, click the Add Variant button in the top right - it will open a modal.
  • You can't save until you define a name.
  • To see Temperature options, you will need to add location types in mSupply.
  • To see Manufacturers options, you will need to add names marked as Manufacturer.
  • Saving an item variant adds it to the view, and clicking the Edit button reopens the modal and you can make changes.
  • Clicking the delete button gives a confirmation modal, then deletes the variant.

Item bundling

  • Have variants configured for at least 2 different items.
  • Under a variant, click the add bundled item button.
  • You cannot select the item you are already editing (i.e. you cannot bundle 2 variants of the same item). So select a variant of the other item.
  • Define a ratio and click Save - a row has been added to the bundled items table.
  • Click the row to edit; delete button shows a confirmation, then deletes the bundled item.
  • After adding a bundled item, ensure you can't bundle the same variant twice
  • When viewing the other variant, the inverse of the ratio is shown
  • You cannot bundle items onto the other variant (nested bundling NOT allowed)
  • Item variant column/input should now be visible in
    • Customer return edit modal
    • Inbound shipment edit modal
    • Stock view detail page
      • The item variant options on these pages should be available on remote sites after syncing
      • You should be able to reinitialise remote site and the item variants still populated in e.g. inbound shipment
    • On OMS Remote site, there is no Variants tab in item detail


  • Make sure all the sorting works - click on each column twice and make sure the page is not crashing, there is no infinite loading spinner and the sorting is working as expected.
  • You can filter by item code or name.
  • Rows per page should be working as expected, and you are able to click through pages.

Master Lists


  • Choose Catalogue -> Master Lists in the Navigation Panel.
  • You will be presented with a list of Master Lists (if you don't see any, you are probably just starting!).

Master List Details

  • You should be able to click on any Master List and the new window, showing detailed view, will appear.
  • At the top of the page, you will see a description, if this Master List has one. You will see the list of items included in that specific Master List.
  • None of the details should be editable (at this current stage), as the Master Lists get synced from mSupply.
  • Sorting by columns should work. Filtering by Master List name should work.
  • You can also export the Master Lists by clicking the Export button in the top right corner. The expected behaviour is that the exported Excel sheet will show the Master Lists the store has visibility into. E.g. if you are seeing 2 Master Lists in omSupply, the report will also only show 2 Master Lists. Check the report to make sure other Master Lists are not visible.
  • In both detailed view and list view of all master lists, filtering, sorting, rows per page and clicking through pages should work as expected.