- Description
- Dependencies
- Installation
- Usage
- Inputs
- Outputs
- Known Issues
- Planned Changes
- Support Scripts
TIAMMAt is a bioinformatic tool aimed at improving the representation of non-model species within Pfam domain profile HMMs. The TIAMMAt manuscript is available via MBE open-access
Pfam-A profile HMMs are derived of representative seed alignments encompassing curated sequences from select taxa. Due to taxonomic bias, domain seeds reflect a dramatic biomedical species bias. As such, standard Pfam-A domain models appear to underestimate the number of homologous domains within non-model species transcriptome/genome datasets. TIAMMAt (pronounced TEE-a-mat or TEE-a-maht) aims to improve species/sequence diversity intrinsically represented within individual Pfam domain profile seed alignments.
The program is operationally organized into three main blocks (detailed diagram can be seen below):
- Search amino acid datasets for best-hit motifs to the target domain(s)
- Revise each domain profile HMM to account for homologous sequence variation captured in (1)
- Final scan of all amino acid datasets for Pfam-A entries including all revised domains
Note: As of January 2023, the Pfam database is hosted via InterPro. Instructions have been changed to reflect this migration.
Included in this repository:
(Written by J.D. White; requiresPerl
Required external software (both available via anaconda
version 3.1b2+ (Available at http://hmmer.org/; users can also installeasel
through the HMMER distribution)BioPython
version 1.80 forPython3
Installation of TIAMMAt
on most platforms will only require installation of the software packages above (i.e., HMMER
and BioPython
). The recommended method for installation is via Anaconda in a clean environment. The conda installation of HMMER
installs easel
tools by default.
conda create -n TIAMMAt
conda activate TIAMMAt
conda install -c bioconda hmmer
conda install -c conda-forge biopython
git clone https://github.com/mtassia/TIAMMAt.git
Some users have reported issues when readlink
is not preconfigured in their local environment. If readlink
is not available, the tool can be acquired through the GNU coreutils
distribution or installed in the working anaconda environment with conda install -c conda-forge coreutils
is not currently compatible with ARM64 systems. Instead, an Anaconda environment has to be preconfigured before installing dependencies.
CONDA_SUBDIR=osx-64 conda create -n TIAMMAt_x86
conda activate TIAMMAt_x86
conda config --env --set subdir osx-64
conda install -c bioconda hmmer
conda install -c conda-forge biopython
git clone https://github.com/mtassia/TIAMMAt.git
> /path/to/tiammat [options] -m [directory] -p [/path/to/Pfam-A.hmm]
-d [directory] Specify directory containing protein datasets [DEFAULT: pwd]
-h Print help
-I [float] Specify hmmscan/hmmsearch per-target and per-domain e-value inclusion thresholds (default: 0.01)
-m [directory] Specify directory containing pfam models and seeds [MANDATORY; cannot be the same directory as datasets]
-o [string] Set name for output directory [default: TIAMMAt_output_{MONTH}_{DAY}_{YEAR}_{TIME}]
-p [path] Specify path to uncompressed Pfam database [MANDATORY]
-R [float] Specify hmmscan/hmmsearch per-target and per-domain e-value reporting thresholds (default: 10.0)
-t [integer] Specify number of threads for hmmscan and hmmsearch
Example Workflow:
git clone https://github.com/mtassia/TIAMMAt.git
mkdir Proteomes
mkdir PfamModels
wget http://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/Pfam/current_release/Pfam-A.hmm.gz
gzip -d *.gz #Decompress pfam database
hmmfetch --index Pfam-A.hmm #Index Pfam database for easy extraction of input domain profiles
#Set-up Proteomes directory
cd Proteomes/
wget https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCF/000/003/605/GCF_000003605.2_Skow_1.1/GCF_000003605.2_Skow_1.1_protein.faa.gz #Download example proteome 1
wget https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCF/000/224/145/GCF_000224145.3_KH/GCF_000224145.3_KH_protein.faa.gz #Download example proteome 2
gzip -d * #Decompress downloaded proteoms
#Set-up PfamModels directory
cd ..
cd PfamModels/
wget http://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/Pfam/current_release/Pfam-A.hmm.dat.gz #Low-weight metadata used to get up-to-date accession for target domains
wget http://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/Pfam/current_release/Pfam-A.seed.gz #STOCKHOLM formatted sed alignments
gzip -d *.gz #
esl-afetch --index Pfam-A.seed #Index seed alignments for quick searching
grep 'PF01582' Pfam-A.hmm.dat | awk '{print $(NF)}' > Pfam_model_bait.txt #Obtain example Pfam domain IDs for current Pfam version for Grab_models.sh
grep 'PF05729' Pfam-A.hmm.dat | awk '{print $(NF)}' >> Pfam_model_bait.txt
../TIAMMAt/Support_scripts/Grab_models.sh Pfam_model_bait.txt ../Pfam-A.hmm Pfam-A.seed #Obtain & format domain profiles and unaligned seed alignments for tiammat
#Run tiammat
cd ..
TIAMMAt/tiammat -d Proteomes/ -m PfamModels/ -p Pfam-A.hmm
For each domain of interest, the seed sequences (an unaligned fasta file obtainable from the "Alignments" section for any domain in Pfam) and the model (raw HMM profile obtained from the "Curation" section for any given domain in Pfam) must be downloaded from the InterPro-hosted Pfam database. Within the model directory (-m
), the prefix naming convention must be identical for each domain (e.g., PF00069_Pkinase.fasta & PF00069_Pkinase.hmm). Alternatively, Grab_models.sh
(included in the Support_scripts directory of TIAMMAt) can be used to generate the files required in the model directory (see Support Scripts section below).
The Pfam database can be acquired from the Pfam FTP. The following shell commands can be used:
wget http://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/Pfam/current_release/Pfam-A.hmm.gz #Download compressed pfam database
gzip -d Pfam-A.hmm.gz #Decompress
Additionally, confirm the domain models and the Pfam database input (-p
) are the same version before running TIAMMAt. This can be confirmed by searching for the domain accession(s) in the local uncompressed Pfam-A.hmm
(e.g., via grep
). tiammat
will report an error and exit if versions differ between individual domain profiles and the entry within the local Pfam DB.
Example input structure:
-d /path/to/Proteomes/
contains:- ProteomeA.fa
- ProteomeB.fasta
-m /path/to/PfamModels/
contains:- PF00069_Pkinase.fasta
- PF00069_Pkinase.hmm
- PF00240_Ubiquitin.fasta
- PF00240_Ubiquitin.hmm
-p /path/to/Pfam.hmm
CAUTION: All fasta-formatted files within the -d
dataset directory will be used for domain revision. As such, do not include fasta files within this directory which are not intended to be used for revision.
CAUTION: tiammat
should not be run with nucleotide input - cannot currently detect the sequence alphabet of the input.
See Known Issues section below.
Output structure:
TIAMMAt_output_[WkDay]_[Month]_[Year]/ #Default output directory created by program
1. IDENTIFICATION_STATISTICS.txt #TSV containing domain counts before & after revision
2. SCRIPT_LOG.txt #Data log reporting operations and immediate results during program execution
TIAMMAt_output_[WkDay]_[Month]_[Year]/MODELS/ #Directory containing compressed models for initial HMMsearch step
3. PF00069_Pkinase.hmm.h3* #Four files associated with initial Pkinase domain compression from HMMpress
4. [Repeat (3) for Ubiquitin domain]
TIAMMAt_output_[WkDay]_[Month]_[Year]/Pkinase_PF00069 #Output directory for Pkinase domain revision (output as a tarball)
5. ProteomeA.hmmsearch_for_Pkinase.domtblout #HMMsearch domain table output for potential Pkinase domains in ProteomeA.fasta
6. ProteomeA.hmmsearch.Pkinase_present.fasta #Fasta file containing sequences with potential Pkinase domains found in ProteomeA.fasta from HMMsearch
7. ProteomeA.Pkinase_present.hmmscan_against_pfam.domtblout #HMMscan output (domain table) of above sequences annotated with all Pfam domains
8. ProteomeA.Pkinase_present.hmmscan_against_pfam.domtblout.besthits.tsv #Above table filtered for domains meeting HMMer inclusion threshold and overlap
9. ProteomeA.Pkinase_present.hmmscan_against_pfam.Pkinase_coordinates.tsv #Coordinate TSV for all best-fit Pkinase domains in ProteomeA.fasta
10. ProteomeA.Pkinase_present.hmmscan_against_pfam.target_list.txt #List of sequences with best-fit Pkinase domains in ProteomA.fasta
11. [Repeat (5-10) for ProteomeB]
TIAMMAt_output_[WkDay]_[Month]_[Year]/Pkinase_PF00069/MODEL_REVISION/ #Directory used for Pkinase HMM profile revision; final revised domain model in TIAMMAt_output_[WkDay]_[Month]_[Year]/REVISED_MODELS/
12. ProteomeA.Pkinase_regions_extracted.fasta #Pkinase domain sequences from ProteomeA.fasta
13. [Repeat (12) for ProteomeB]
14. PF00069_Pkinase.fasta #Pkinase base domain seed
15. Pkinase_from_all_datasets.fasta #Pkinase domain seed + domains extracted from each dataset
16. Pkinase_from_all_datasets.msa.trimmed.stockholm #Stockholm alignment of Pkinase domain with non-homologous ends trimmed
TIAMMAt_output_[WkDay]_[Month]_[Year]/Pkinase_PF00069/SECOND_SEARCH/ #Directory contains search for Pkinase domains following revision
17. ProteomeA.hmmsearch_for_Pkinase_base_and_revised.domtblout #HMMsearch domain table output for potential Pkinase domains (either base or revised) in ProteomeA.fasta
18. ProteomeA.hmmsearch.Pkinase_base_and_revised_present.fasta #Fasta file containing sequences with potential Pkinase domains (base or revised) found in ProteomeA.fasta from HMMsearch
19. ProteomeA.Pkinase_base_and_revised_present.hmmscan_against_Pkinase_REV_appended_Pfam.domtblout #HMMscan output (domain table) of above sequences annotated with all Pfam domains (including revised Pkinase domain). IMPORTANT: Sequences annotated in this file do not necessarily contain a best-hit target domain.
20. ProteomeA.Pkinase_base_and_revised_present.hmmscan_against_Pkinase_REV_appended_Pfam.domtblout.besthits.tsv #Best-hits file associated with above file
21. ProteomeA.Pkinase_base_and_revised_present.hmmscan_against_Pkinase_REV_appended_Pfam.target_list.txt #List of sequences with best-fit Pkinase domains (base or revised) in ProteomA.fasta
22. ProteomeA.Pkinase.sequences_only_identified_after_revision.txt #Sequences in ProteomeA.fasta with Pkinase only found after revision
23. [Repeat (19-24) for ProteomeB]
TIAMMAt_output_[WkDay]_[Month]_[Year]/Ubiquitin_PF00240/ #Output directory for Ubiquitin domain revision
24. [Repeat (5-25) for Ubiquitin domain]
TIAMMAt_output_[WkDay]_[Month]_[Year]/REVISED_MODELS/ #Directory containing all revised models
25. Pkinase_REVISION.hmm #Revised Pkinase domain HMM profile
26. Pkinase_base_and_revision.hmm #Concatonation of base and revised Pkinase domain HMM profiles
27. Pkinase_base_and_revision.hmm.h3* #Four files associated with Pkinase_base_and_revision.hmm compression
28. [Repeat (27-29) for Ubiquitin domain]
TIAMMAt_output_[WkDay]_[Month]_[Year]/FINAL_HMMSCAN/ #Directory containing domain annotations following all domain revisions
29. ProteomeA.Pkinase_present_after_revision.fasta #Sequences associated with ProteomeA.Pkinase_base_and_revised_present.hmmscan_against_Pkinase_REV_appended_Pfam.target_list.txt above -- i.e, sequences with best-hits to either base or revised domain
30. ProteomeA.Pkinase_present_after_revision.hmmscan_vs_revised_Pfam.domtblout #HMMscan output (domain table) of above sequences annotated with all Pfam domains (including all revised domains)
31. ProteomeA.Pkinase_present_after_revision.hmmscan_vs_revised_Pfam.domtblout.besthits.tsv #Best-hits file associated with the above file
32. [Repeat (33-35) for each ProteomeA+Ubiquitin, ProteomeB+Pkinase, and ProteomeB+Ubiquitin]
Major Output Explanation:
Summary statistics in IDENTIFICATION_STATISTICS.txt
are a useful metric for checking the results of TIAMMAt. For easy viewing, try column -t IDENTIFICATION_STATISTICS.txt
. The column headers of IDENTIFICATION_STATISTICS.txt
are as follows:
- 1 = Dataset ID
- 2 = Domain ID
- 3 = Number of sequences from pre-revision dataset with best-fit target domain
- 4 = Number of domain occurances within column (3)
- 5 = Number of sequences in post-revision dataset with best-fit target domain (base or revised)
- 6 = Number of base domain occurances within column (5)
- 7 = Number of revised domain occurances within column (6)
Users primarily interested in the revised domain profile-HMMs can find their revised models in the REVISED_MODELS
directory, and those interested in the domain-containing proteins per dataset can find those data in the FINAL_HMMSCAN
To check input, the top lines of SCRIPT_LOG.txt
report the input files.
- If base domain accession used for input does not match the accession present in Pfam (e.g., if TIR domain accession PF01582.22 is a target domain (
), but not present in the local Pfam database (-p
)), TIAMMAt will complete its run with no findings (even if homologous domains are present). See INPUTS section above.
- Input QC testing for input amino acid file, not nucleotide.
- Improvements to error reporting.
These programs must be manually executed - they are not run by TIAMMAt. Organized alphabetically below.
: Uses the [name].besthits.tsv
input from TIAMMAt and generates a domain diagram object per annotated sequence into a single editable svg canvas.
python3 Domain_svgwrite.py [name].besthit.tsv
: Reads a list of pfam accessions and automatically acquires both the input *.hmm
and seed fasta files into pwd
. Automatically runs Stockholm2fasta.py
below. This script is particularly useful when revising multiple Pfam models.
(both dependencies are required forStockholm2fasta.py
which is run byGrab_models.sh
can both be downloaded here.Pfam-A.seed
must be indexed first usingesl-afetch --index
Grab_models.sh -i [pfam_accession_list.txt] -p [Pfam-A.hmm] -s [Pfam-A.seed]
PF00619.24 PF00605.20 PF10401.12 PF05729.15 PF00554.25 PF12721.10 PF11648.11 PF01582.23 PF13676.9
for every accession in[pfam_accession_list.txt]
; example:PF00554_RHD_DNA_bind.fasta PF00554_RHD_DNA_bind.hmm PF00605_IRF.fasta PF00605_IRF.hmm PF00619_CARD.fasta PF00619_CARD.hmm PF01582_TIR.fasta PF01582_TIR.hmm PF05729_NACHT.fasta PF05729_NACHT.hmm PF10401_IRF-3.fasta PF10401_IRF-3.hmm PF11648_RIG-I_C-RD.fasta PF11648_RIG-I_C-RD.hmm PF12721_RHIM.fasta PF12721_RHIM.hmm PF13676_TIR_2.fasta PF13676_TIR_2.hmm
: Reads input stockholm alignment (in this case, the seed alignment downloaded from Pfam) and converts it to an unaligned fasta file. This can be used independently of Grab_models.sh
Stockholm2fasta.py [input_stockholm] [output_fasta]