MTCaptcha library for React Native library
npm install react-native-mtcaptcha
import { MTCaptcha } from 'react-native-mtcaptcha';
react-native-webview (
Name | Type | Description |
siteKey (required) | string | Site key associated with the site. It can be fetched from admin portal. For more info please visit |
domainName (required) | string | Fully qualified doamin name configured in MTCaptcha admin portal e.g |
lang | string | MTCaptcha supports more than 100 languages. Please refer |
style | ViewStyle (refer here) | Style for the webview |
widgetSize | string | Supported values are mini and standard . Default is standard |
theme | string | Find the different thme which can be set for captcha here |
action | string | Tag for captcha alatytics. e.g mobile Read more |
customLangText | JSON | All text and language can be customed. Please read more |
customStyle | JSON | To set custom style for the cpatcha widget. Please refer |
enableTestMode | string | This optimises captcha widget for automated testing please refer |
onCaptchaVerified | function | This is a callback function when the captcha is verified |
onCaptchaExpired | function | This is a callback function when the captcha is expired |
onError | function | This is a callback function when the captcha results in error such as invalid site key, un recognized doamin |
Made with create-react-native-library