Minimal proxy/cache implementation, with the intended use to reduce calls to usage-limited APIs during development.
Example httpie request for
http :8000/request/10/aHR0cDovL2h0dHBiaW4ub3JnL3V1aWQ= x-mitm:abc -v
Notice that the url is base64-urlencoded. The 10 is the acceptable cache age and the x-mitm auth header can be set by the MITM_KEY
environment variable, if no such variable is set every request will be accepted and handled (this is very bad unless the server is unreachable by attackers).
a web-interface can be found, which shows all cached requests. (If no key was provided any request on /
will show the same web-interface).
There is a Golang implementation for interacting with this cache: mtib/mitm-cache-go.