docker-compose-metabase is a boilerplate for deploying a Metabase stack with a local postgres database.
- Docker - HTML enhanced for web apps!
- docker-compose - awesome web-based text editor
- Metabase - Markdown parser done right. Fast and easy to extend.
- Postgresql - great UI boilerplate for modern web apps
You should have Docker and docker-compose installed.
After cloning the repo, create a copy of .env.sample
named .env
and update the values as you wish.
Kick start docker-compose with the start script:
$ ./
This template creates a folder named pg-data
in the root level of the project. You may back that up if you wish.
Create a copy of .packer.env.sample
named .packer.env
and add your AWS config:
AWS_SOURCE_AMI=should be an amazon linux AMI avaiable in the region above
AWS_VPC_ID=vpc in which to run the EC2 instance that will become the AMI
AWS_SUBNET_ID=public subnet
Run the script:
$ ./
From ./aws/cloudformation
Create a copy of .cloudformation.env.sample
named .cloudformation.env
and add your AWS config:
AWS_CF_S3_BUCKET=S3 bucket to store cloudformation templates
ENVIRONMENT_NAME=cloudformation stack name
KEY_NAME=name of the key pair to use in the ec2 instance that will be spun up
AMI=AMI ID output from
SUBNETS=comma delimited list of subnets where the ASG will be available
To deploy the Auto Scaling Group:
$ cd aws/cloudformation/bin
$ ./
$ ./