These are various projects and info from around the net that I've gathered.
I've modified some to work with Cura 5 and bundled them together as I found it really hard to get my Adventurer 3 running in Cura.
This project is a fork of ronoaldo/FlashforgeFinderIntegration to add Cura 5 support.
GXWriter adds the option to save your sliced gCode in GX format. This is what most FlashForge printers need.
- Includes a snapshot image which displays on the LCD
- Includes print time, filament amount and other stats
Download from the .curapackages from Releases page and drag/drop into Cura. After you restart Cura, plugins will be installed and you can save .GX files.
I have added the FlashForge Adventurer 3 profile allowing you to easily install it.
- Nozzle options: of 0.3mm, 0.4mm and 0.6mm
- Materials including PLA, ABS, PETG & TPU
- Bed mesh so cura displays a FlashForge logo
Copy the "recourses" folder into the "\share\cura" directory in your cura installation. For example, in Windows 10: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 5.0.0\share\cura\
The printer appears under the "FlashForge" manufacturer.
If you first test then use a generic PLA, ABS or PETG profile. Dreamer NX print speeds are added to these materials. What is otherwise Flashprint's initial settings are the same as Adventurer 3 speeds. Although I've changed the speeds to improve printing.
I have only tested with Cura 5.0.0-beta+1. Your milage may vary - please open issues. I'm keen to know if these work in Cura 4.x
- FlashForge gCode guide & FlashPrint settings:
- AdventurerClientDotNet: