Reference implementation of a daemon and REST service using RealSelf's stream-ruby
The daemon includes examples for building a social newsfeed, asynchronous "fanout-on-write" activity distribution, retrying activity handling on failure, custom error handling, and replaying failed messages from an error queue.
The REST service includes routes for managing a social graph of "follow" relationships, paged retrieval of a newsfeed, managing a per-user count of unread newsfeed items and synchronous ingestion and fanout of new activities.
git clone
cd sample-stream-service
bundle install
You need to connect to running rabbitmq, elasticsearch and mongodb servers. Run them locally, or add environment variables pointing at each.
export ELASTICSEARCH_URL='http://localhost:9200'
export MONGODB_HOST='localhost:27017'
export RABBITMQ_URL='amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672'
bundle exec bin/sample-daemon
export ELASTICSEARCH_URL='http://localhost:9200'
export MONGODB_HOST='localhost:27017'
export RABBITMQ_URL='amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672'
bundle exec rackup bin/rest-service