To get globus set up on your machine and access to the SuperDARN mirror:
- go to (login button in top right -> then on the next page "use Globus ID to sign up" on bottom of page)
- Create a Globus ID (username, password, name, email, organization, etc...)
- Log in to globus via login button on
- Click on "Endpoints" tab
- Click on "add Globus Connect Personal endpoint"
- Now follow steps 1 and 2 on the page ("Get your globus connect personal setup key" and "Download & Install Globus Connect Personal")
- Contact us with your globus username to share the SuperDARN endpoint with you
Now to get these scripts working you need to do the following:
Go to a) Add a project named 'SuperDARN' or something similar b) Add an app to that project called 'sync_radar_data' c) Add three scopes to the app: i) (Transfer files using Globus Transfer) ii) openid (Know who you are in Globus.) iii) email (Know your email address.) d) The redirect url is : e) Click the "Native App" checkbox f) Click 'create app' g) Now you have a 'client ID' available to you, used in the script sort of as your user name.
Install pip if you don't have it: on OpenSuSe: sudo zypper in python-pip 2.1) Install the globus sdk for python: sudo pip2 install globus-sdk OR sudo pip install globus-sdk
Edit the script to include your client_id on line 'CLIENT_ID =' and the uuid of your endpoint on line 'PERSONAL_UUID =' (found at "Endpoints" link of when you're logged in, click on the endpoint then you'll see uuid in the information that pops up)
Now make sure the script is runnable: chmod +x
Now run the script with some arguments, such as: "./ -y 2007 -m 01 -p 20070101*sas /path/to/endpoint/dir" it will ask you to log into globus to authenticate, give you a token to paste into the cmd line, then it will save a refresh token to a file on your computer to use for automatic login from now on.