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Why use async/await?


function doSomeAsyncStuff(done) {
  getData(function(err, x) {
    if (err) {
      return done(err);
    return getMoreData(x, function(err, y) {
      if (err) {
        return done(err);
      return getMoreData(y, function(err, z) {
        if (err) {
          return done(err);
        return done(null, z);
  • Harder to read, harder to debug, especially for newbies
  • Convention cb(err, result) not necessarily obvious
  • Doesn't feel the same as reading linear and sequential code
  • More prone to errors?

Async utility modules

const async = require('async');

    function(callback) {
      callback(null, 'one', 'two');
    function(arg1, arg2, callback) {
      callback(null, 'three');
    function(arg1, callback) {
      callback(null, 'done');
  function(err, result) {},
  • Using an external module not standard JS features
  • You need to read the documentation of that library
  • This code will be transformed, harder to debug (stack trace?)
  • Still doesn't feel like reading linear and sequential code


Example where you can't just sequentially .then() or you'll create a closure and won't be able to access valueA inside functionC(valueA, valueB)

// Not working
function executeAsyncTask() {
  return functionA()
    .then(valueA => functionB(valueA))
    .then(valueB => functionC(valueA, valueB))
    // valueA is undefined ⬆️
  }).catch(err => console.log(err));

Better with the Promises "Christmas tree" 🎄?

function executeAsyncTask() {
  return functionA().then(valueA => {
    return functionB(valueA).then(valueB => {
      return functionC(valueA, valueB);
  }).catch(err => console.log(err));

Better with variables at the top?

function executeAsyncTask() {
  let valueA;
  return functionA()
    .then(v => {
      valueA = v;
      return functionB(valueA);
    .then(valueB => {
      return functionC(valueA, valueB);
    .catch(err => console.log(err));



// async keyword before declaring an async function
async function getPageTitle(url) {
  try {
    // stop here until request is resolved
    const response = await request(url);
    // wait here until request has been resolved before returning the response
    return response;
  } catch (err) {
    // catch if the request() is rejected or
    // any errors are thrown
    return err;

Where can I use it?

Browsers Node

With Babel you need to transform async to generators that will make it work on node > 4. For a new project I suggest babel-preset-env which compiles ES2015+ down to ES5 by automatically determining the Babel plugins and polyfills you need based on your targeted browser or runtime environments.

  "presets": [
    ["@babel/env", {
      "targets": {
        "browsers": ["last 2 versions", "safari >= 7"],
        "node": "6.10"

How it works?

Every async function works with an underlying Promise and so it will always return a Promise that can be consumed as you are used to.

async function getPage(id) {
  return await request(`/pages/${id}`);

  .then(response => console.log(response))
  .catch(err => console.log(err));

Stuff to pay attention

  • Calling await inside a function that doesn't have the keyword async will throw an error
  • You can't call await at the top level at the moment in node and all the browsers except Chrome.

Patterns / control flow / concurrency


This will take 1000ms total

async function series() {
  await wait(500);
  await wait(500);
  return 'done!';


This instead would take only 500ms total

async function parallel() {
  const wait1 = wait(500);
  const wait2 = wait(500);
  await wait1;
  await wait2;
  return 'done!';

Promise.all[] still works perfectly

let [resA, resB] = await Promise.all([wait(500), wait(500)])

Error handling

See errors.test.js


Left them at the bottom since I haven't used them much but reading here and there, seems like using a library like you can use generators more or less in the same way as you use async/await. There should be no reason anymore to use this.

const co = require('co');

co(function *(){
  // yield any promise
  var result = yield Promise.resolve(true);


Knowledge sharing: async/await






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