This is an application built for Breeze's engineering challenge. It visualizes the dataset through an interactive map-based interface. You can filter markers by user and transaction type. Clicking on a name will add that user's markers to the map. Each user is given a randomly generated color that corresponds to markers on the map.
I used responsive design for this project. No HTML/CSS frameworks were used.
After cloning the repo to your computer, you will need to run the following from the applications root directory:
bundle install
Setup the database:
bundle exec rake db:setup
Run the following rake tasks to populate the database:
bundle exec rake import_from_csv:users FILENAME=users.csv
bundle exec rake import_from_csv:locations FILENAME=locations.csv
bundle exec rake import_from_csv:transactions FILENAME=transactions.csv
Fire up the server:
bundle exec rails server
Visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser of choice.
- Rails 4.2
- Ruby 2.2.0
- Rspec 3.2.3 with shoulda-matchers
- PostgreSQL
- Mapbox
Matthew Gray
Email: matthew (at) mtthwgry (dot) com
Twitter: @mtthwgry