Jitsi reOrchestartor API for Kubernetes. The purpose of this API is to run and manage more than one Jitsi-Meet on a kubernetes cluster.
Please follow README.md in installation folder.
This project was created only to show that the system can be implemented. It is your responsibility to ensure the security of the system.
You can use the created deployments by forwarding the required port with Jitsi Meet Api.
You can also use this api with moodle-mod_jitsi.
- Send request to API for deploying Jitsi:
http://your_domain_or_ip:3000/jitsi?operation=create¶meter=daily_meeting_13 (session uniq id)
- or destroy deployment:
http://your_domain_or_ip:3000/jitsi?operation=destroy¶meter=30200 (session web port)
- or delete video record:
http://your_domain_or_ip:3000/jitsi?operation=delete_video_record¶meter=123 (record id)
- Access to database:
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