This code is a form from ft5x06-tool, largely inspired from the Focaltech GitHub driver.
The source code itself isn't depending any external library, so no build dependency.
As for runtime dependency, the kernel must have i2c-dev
support enabled.
You need to have a physical access to the i2c ports, like raspberry pi.
To enable i2c-dev
sudo raspi-config
5 > Interfacing options
P5 I2C
Very straight-forward:
$ git clone
$ cd muca-firmware/
$ make
I setup a flashing rig to flash the Muca board. You don't need this rig if you don't need to flash 650 boards.
$ sudo python3
To upload the firmware to the Muca Board (FT5316DME)
$ ./muca-flash -b 1 -c 0x0A -i MuCaFirmware.bin
On a raspberry pi, the i2c bus is set to 1
. The chip id has to be forced because the firmware is empty.
The tool has an help output which lists all the different parameters.
FT5x06 tool usage: ft5x06-tool [OPTIONS]
-a, --address
I2C address of the FT5x06 controller (hex). Default is 0x38.
-b, --bus
I2C bus the FT5x06 controller is on. Default is 1.
-c, --chipid
Force chip ID to the value (hex). Default is read from controller.
-i, --input
Input firmware file to flash.
-o, --output
Output firmware file read from FT5x06.
-d, --debug
Enable or disable I2C debug. Default 0, 1 to enable
-h, --help
Show this help and exit.