Created by Jason Brooks - -
Welcome to my little project.
Recently I've been looking at protection systems of old. The Community have done an amazing job in digital preservation, looking at ways to archive tapes and disks.
The Amstrad CPC disks are usually identified with the DSK file format, though I have no doubt the ZX Spectrum and others will also use something similar.
The DSK File format is very well documented, and Emulation tools do an amazing job of emulating the subtle nuances these disks posed when certain copy protection techniques were used.
Whilst looking at Emulation vs Real Hardware, I was discovering some anomalies, were these a quirk of emulation or actually physically present on the real thing.
I found myself looking at the internals of these DSK Image files, and needed to speed up looking at bits of information rather than processing through a Hex Editor.
And so this little project is born...
It's not very exciting at the moment, and I've written it in Python3 to ensure maximum compatibility. Though I'm still very much a novice at Python Coding... Frankly it seems more complicated than Z80 Assembly...
The code is provided as-is, though if you feel you can contribute to the project, then all is welcome. Especially anyone who can actually code in Python...
This is just the beginning but the tool can become much more.
Ideas include...
Ability to extract file from the AMSDOS file format to your device. IE. Enumerate the file systems files and extract the data direct your filesystem for whatever puposes you decide.
Inject files to the disk. Convert the DSK from CPM Format to Data, even possibly extract game code from protected disks.
But there are all flights of fancy for another day.
It's very basic right now and probably buggy...
How to use it?
You'll need a Python3 environment either in Windows, macOS, Linux and of course access to DSK Files.
Currently supports the following :-
Amstrad CPC DSK File format as defined:
ZX Spectrum +3DOS File Information defined:
Commands :-
-dir = Directory Listing
-d = Combined with -dir for enhanced file information
-dh = Show the Disk Header Information
-ds = Show Track Sector Information
-ts = Starting Track (Default 0)
-te = Track End (Default 42)
-s = Side (0 = Head 0, 1 = Head 1) Default Head 0
-v = Verbose
-f = Create a Blank DSK Image, Default Amstrad DATA, 42 Tracks, Single Side
-ft = Format Type, 0 = DATA, 1 = VENDOR, 2 = IBM, 3 = ZX Spectrum +3 IBM
-ftracks = Number of Tracks, between 1 and 82, default 42
-fsides = Number of Sides, 1 or 2, default 1
-ex = Extract all valid files from the DSK Image to Disk
-cpm = Extract Files as CP/M Format (Based on number of records * 128 bytes)
Displays the Disk Header
DSK File Info Utility...
Processing: ./TestDisks/XorOriginal.dsk
Start Track: 0
Valid DSK Header Found
Header: EXTENDED CPC DSK File Disk-Info
Creator Name: SAMdisk140324
Number of Tracks: 42
Number of Sides: 1
Track: 00 > Size - 4608 bytes, 9 Sectors
Track: 01 > Size - 4608 bytes, 9 Sectors
Track: 39 > Size - 4608 bytes, 9 Sectors
Track: 40 > Unformatted Track
Track: 41 > Unformatted Track
**-ds** Display Sector Information
**-ts** Track Start
**-te** Track End
DSK File Info Utility...
Processing: ./TestDisks/XorOriginal.dsk
Start Track: 17
Valid DSK Header Found
Sector Information
Track: 17
C, H , ID, N, FDC Status
17, 00, #00, 05, Ok
Track: 18
C, H , ID, N, FDC Status
00, 00, #00, 00, Ok
01, 01, #01, 01, CRC Error *Data Error*
02, 02, #02, 02, CRC Error *Data Error*
03, 03, #03, 03, CRC Error *Data Error*
04, 04, #04, 04, CRC Error *Data Error*
05, 05, #05, 05, CRC Error *Data Error*
06, 06, #06, 06, CRC Error *Data Error*
07, 07, #07, 07, CRC Error *Data Error*
08, 08, #08, 08, CRC Error *Data Error*
09, 09, #09, 09, CRC Error *Data Error*
10, 10, #0a, 10, CRC Error *Data Error*
11, 11, #0b, 11, CRC Error *Data Error*
12, 12, #0c, 12, CRC Error *Data Error*
13, 13, #0d, 13, CRC Error *Data Error*
14, 14, #0e, 14, CRC Error *Data Error*
15, 15, #0f, 15, CRC Error *Data Error*
DSK File Info Utility...
Processing: ./TestDisks/DizzyHackTutorialFixed.dsk
Start Track: 0
End Track: 42
Valid DSK Header Found
Disk Format Type: DATA
Total Files Found: 17
Detailed View of the Files in the DSK image, now displaying File Type, Start Address, File Size, Execution Address.
* means ReadOnly
+ means System/Hidden File
DSK File Info Utility...
Processing: ./TestDisks/TheySoldAMillion_SideA.dsk
Disk Format Type: SYSTEM
Total Files Found: 8
U:Filename RH Type Start Length Exec
00:AAAA .BIN*+ 2 #0040 #029F #0040
00:BEACH .SBF*+ 2 #8000 #0100 #0000
00:BPART1 .SBF*+ 2 #2100 #7B2A #0000
00:BPART2 .SBF*+ 2 #2100 #3800 #0000
00:DALEY .SBF*+ 2 #8000 #003C #0000
00:DALEYCDE.SBF*+ 2 #0428 #99C0 #0000
00:MENU .BIN 2 #3ECE #011B #3ECE
00:TITLEA .SAD*+ 2 #35B5 #22EC #0000
File information is different here,
File Type of 0 = BASIC Program
Start Address = Line Number to Run
Start = #8000 = Don't Auto Start
For File Type 0 - BASIC, Param 1 is either the line number
to start execution or 0x8000 for none. Param 2 is the
offset of variables. For most purposes this can be the
length of the program so no variables.
For File Type 3 - CODE,
Param 1 is the load address.
Param 2 is unused
DSK File Info Utility...
Program Run: 2024-02-11 17:04:36
Processing: ./Midnight Resistance/Midnight Resistance (1990)(Erbe)(+3)(ES)(en)[re-release].dsk
Possible Corruption, Insufficient data from Track: 32
Disk Format Type: IBM
Total Files Found: 10
*** PLUS3DOS File System Detected ***
U:Filename RH Type Start Length Param2
00:BANK0 . 3 #C000 #4000 #8000
00:BANK1 . 3 #C000 #4000 #8000
00:BANK3 . 3 #C000 #4000 #8038
00:BANK4 . 3 #C000 #4000 #8038
00:BANK6 . 3 #C000 #4000 #8038
00:BANK7 . 3 #C000 #4000 #8038
00:DISK . 0 #0001 #003C #003C
00:LOADER . 3 #B800 #06E8 #8000
00:MC . 3 #7000 #5000 #8040
00:SCREEN . 3 #8A00 #1B00 #0000
Create a Default Amstrad CPC DATA Disk, 42 Tracks, 1 Side
Create a Default Amstrad CPC VENDOR Disk, 42 Tracks, 1 Side
Create a Default Amstrad CPC IBM Disk, 42 Tracks, 1 Side
Create a Default ZX Spectrum +3 IBM Disk, 42 Tracks, 1 Side
Create a Default Amstrad CPC VENDOR Disk, 80 Tracks, 1 Side
Create a Default Amstrad CPC VENDOR Disk, 80 Tracks, 2 Sides
Think you get the idea :)
DSK File Info Utility...
Program Run: 2024-02-13 17:57:38
Creating New DSK: ./testFormatDiskDATA.dsk
Disk Format: DATA
Disk Sides: 2
Tracks: 82
Will examine the directory entries available in the supplied DSK image and extract them
As simple as that really, it will extract as many files as the tools finds valid to the current directory. Not sure how this will help you outside of an emulated environment, but you now have that feature. Some experimental support for ZX Spectrum PLUS3DOS Disks too.
DSK File Info Utility...
Program Run: 2024-02-17 19:31:59
Processing: ./TestDisks/ZXSpec007.dsk
Disk Format Type: PLUS3DOS, appears to be Valid.
Processing: 00:DISK .
Saving File: 00-DISK. for length: 122
Processing: 00:SCR .
Saving File: 00-SCR. for length: 6912
Processing: 00:C128 .
Saving File: 00-C128. for length: 40960
Total Files Found: 3
*** PLUS3DOS File System Detected ***
U:Filename RH Type Start Param2 Length
00:C128 . *+ 3 #6000 #8000 #A000
00:DISK . * 0 #000A #007A #007A
00:SCR . *+ 3 #8000 #8000 #1B00
Will attempt to extract the files as CP/M Programs (No File Header)
CP/M Programs don't include include the additional header that AMSDOS does, therefore we don't know the true start/length and execution address. Although programs like GENCOM will add this information to a binary to make it executable we don't know for certainty the true length of the file without knowing more about the different file extensions etc.
So we look at the number of records on each Directory Entry Extent and total these up, multiple by 128 (Record size) and write that to disk.
DSK File Info Utility...
Program Run: 2024-03-11 18:55:35
Processing: ./FromCommunity/Nevada-Pascal-41-Disks-Amstrad-CPC/PascalFaceB.dsk
Disk Format Type: DATA, appears to be Valid.
Processing: 00:ARCTAN .PAS
Saving File: 00-ARCTAN.PAS for length: 2048
Processing: 00:CONVERTM.INT
Saving File: 00-CONVERTM.INT for length: 3456
Processing: 00:COPYRITE.
Saving File: 00-COPYRITE. for length: 384