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Mudassir edited this page Dec 22, 2016 · 3 revisions

This theme uses a custom icon font made using Icomoon, if you'd like to add a new icon

  • Make sure you've cloned this repo
  • Visit
  • Click Import Project
  • Select the file jsonresume-theme-elegant/assets/icomoon/selection.json
  • Load the newly created project
  • Add your new icon(As much as possible prefer to pick the icon from Font Awesome pack)
  • Click Generate Font > Download (under the directory jsonresume-theme-elegant/assets/)
  • Delete the previous icomoon directory, extract the newly downloaded zip file & then delete the zip file

Create a pull request with these changes.

P.S. If it's a social icon then you might also want to add appropriate styles under assets/less/info-card-styles.less. For example,

.link-xyz { .make-social-link(@xyz-color); } //define the variable @xyz-color under variables.less
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