Please see: Diffusion Probabilistic Models beat GANs on Medical 2D Images
Figure: Eye fundus, chest X-ray and colon histology images generated with Medfusion (Warning color quality limited by .gif)
Link to streamlit app.
Create virtual environment and install packages:
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .
- Go to medical_diffusion/data/datasets/ and create a new
or write your own Dataset.
- Go to scripts/ and import your Dataset.
- Load your dataset with eg.
- Customize
to your needs - (Optional): Train a
instead or load a pre-trainedVAE
and setstart_gan_train_step=-1
to start training of GAN immediately.
- Use scripts/ to evaluate the performance of the Autoencoder.
- Go to scripts/ and import/load your Dataset as before.
- Load your pre-trained VAE or VAEGAN with
- Use
cond_embedder = LabelEmbedder
for conditional training, otherwisecond_embedder = None
- Go to scripts/ to sample a test image.
- Go to scripts/helpers/ to sample a more reprensative sample size.
- Use scripts/ to evaluate performance of sample (FID, Precision, Recall)