Make Pidgin IM conversations appear in the Gnome Shell message tray
- Supports Chats and IMs for now (i.e. no file transfers or attentions)
- User icons
- User status as secondary icon
- Sends typing state
- Shows unread messages count
- Tries to restore unread messages count after screen lock/unlock
- Search provider for buddys from connected accounts (can be disabled from extension preferences)
- Messages appear unseen in Pidgin after expanding notification in message tray. Don't know how to set unseen state in Pidgin
- No notifications on locked screen even if notification settings allow it. Because Gnome Shell disables all extensions on screen lock
Recent master version supports latest Gnome Shell version. Versions with for older Gnome Shell support can be found on
mkdir -p $HOME/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions
cd $HOME/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions
git clone git:// pidgin@muffinmad
Restart GNOME Shell and enable "Pidgin IM integration" extension