This Notion File is all About this project
Notion file link:
Diagrams file link:
Postman file link:
- User can register/login.
- Seller can register/login also verify his email.
- User can see products and they can order the product.
- User can see her Order status and progress.
- User can do cancel his/hir order.
- User can do reset her passowrd and changer the passowrd.
- User can search product with title or category or tags.
- User can do reviews when hir order is delivered.
- Admin can do add user on dashboard
- Admin can manage user orrders
- /api/v1/auth/login - post // login
- /api/v1/auth/register - post // register
- /api/v1/auth/forgot-password - post // forgot password
- /api/v1/auth/reset-password - post // reset password
- /api/v1/auth/verify-email - post // verify email
- /api/v1/products/id - get // get product
- /api/v1/brands - get // get brands
- /api/v1/brands/id - get // get brand by id
- /api/v1/categories - get // get categories
- /api/v1/categories/id - get // get category by id
- /api/v1/seller/stores/id - get // get store
- /api/v1/users/profile - get // get profile
- /api/v1/users/profile - patch // update profile
- /api/v1/user/change-password - patch // change password
- /api/v1//users/profile/addresses - get // get addresses
- /api/v1/users/profile/addresses - post // add address
- /api/v1/users/profile/addresses/id - patch // update address by id
- /api/v1/users/profile/addresses/id - delete // delete address by id
- /api/v1/brands - post // add brand
- /api/v1/brands/id - patch // update brand by id
- /api/v1/brands/id - delete // delete brand by id
- /api/v1/categories - post // add category
- /api/v1/categories/id - patch // update category by id
- /api/v1/categories/id - delete // delete category by id
- /api/v1/products - post // add product
- /api/v1/products/id - patch // update product by id
- /api/v1/products/id - delete // delete product by id
- /api/v1/carts - get // get carts
- /api/v1/carts - post // add to cart
- /api/v1/carts/id - patch // update cart by id
- /api/v1/carts/id - delete // delete cart by id
- /api/v1/carts/empty - delete // delete all carts
- /api/v1/orders - get // get orders
- /api/v1/orders/id - get // get orders by id
- /api/v1/orders/tracking/id - get // get order tracking by id
- /api/v1/orders/ - post // add order
- /api/v1/orders/id - patch // update order by id
- /api/v1/orders/id - delete // delete order by id
- /api/v1/payments/history - get // get payment history
- /api/v1/payments/id - get // get payment by id
- /api/v1/payments/success - post // success payment
- /api/v1/deliveries/id - get // get delivery by id
- /api/v1/deliveries/id - patch // update delivery by id
- /api/v1/deliveries/id - delete // delete delivery by id
- /api/v1/deliveries/tracking/id - get // get delivery tracking by id
- /api/v1/deliveries/history - get // get delivery history
- /api/v1/deliveries/success - post // success delivery
- /api/v1/deliveries/cancel - post // cancel delivery
- /api/v1/deliveries/cancel/id - delete // cancel delivery by id
- /api/v1/reviews - post // get review by id
- /api/v1/users/reviews - patch // get review by id
- /api/v1/wishlists - get // get wishlists
- /api/v1/wishlists/id - delete // delete wishlist by id
- /api/v1/wishlists - post // add product to wishlist
- /api/v1/seller/auth/login - post // login
- /api/v1/seller/auth/register - post // register
- /api/v1/seller/auth/forgot-password - post // forgot password
- /api/v1/seller/auth/reset-password - patch // reset password
- /api/v1/seller/auth/verify-email - post // verify email
- /api/v1/seller/auth/change-password - patch // change password
- /api/v1/seller/profile - get // get seller profile
- /api/v1/seller/profile/id - get // get seller profile by id
- /api/v1/seller/profile - patch // update seller profile
- /api/v1/seller/stores/id - get // get store by id
- /api/v1/seller/stores - get // get stores !TODO
- /api/v1/seller/stores/id - patch // update store by id
- /api/v1/seller/stores/id - delete // delete store by id
- /api/v1/seller/stores - post // add store
- /api/v1/seller/products - get // get all products
- /api/v1/seller/products/id - get // get product by id
- /api/v1/seller/products/id - patch // update product by id
- /api/v1/seller/products/id - delete // delete product by id
- /api/v1/seller/products - post // add product
- /api/v1/admins/auth/login - post // login
- /api/v1/admins/auth/register - post // register
- /api/v1/admins/auth/forgot-password - post // forgot password
- /api/v1/admins/auth/reset-password - patch // reset password
- /api/v1/admins/auth/change-password - patch // change password
- /api/v1/admins/profile - get // get admin profile
- /api/v1/admins/profile/id - get // get admin profile by id
- /api/v1/admins/profile - patch // update admin profile
- /api/v1/admins/profile/id - delete // delete admin profile by id
- /api/v1/admins/profile - post // add admin profile
- /api/v1/admins/sellers/:seller_id/products - get // get all products
- /api/v1/admins/sellers/:seller_id/products/:product_id - get // get product by id
- /api/v1/admins/sellers/:seller_id/products - post // add product
- /api/v1/admins/sellers/:seller_id/products/:product_id - patch // update product by id
- /api/v1/admins/sellers/:seller_id/products/:product_id - delete // delete product by id
- /api/v1/admins/admins/orders?type= - get // get all orders
- /api/v1/admins/admins/orders/:order_id - get // get order by id
- /api/v1/admins/admins/orders/:order_id - patch // update order by id
- /api/v1//admins/seller/profile - get // get account all details
- /api/v1/admins/seller/profile/id - get // get account by id
- /api/v1/admins/seller/profile - patch // update account by id
- /api/v1/admins/seller/profile/id - delete // delete account by id !TODO
- /api/v1/admins/seller/profile - post // add account
- /api/v1/admins/sellers/seller_id/ - get // get store by id
- /api/v1/admins/sellers/seller_id/ - patch // update store by id
- /api/v1/admins/sellers/seller_id/ - delete // delete store by id !TODO
- /api/v1/admins/sellers/seller_id/ - post // add store !TODO
- /api/v1/admins/users/user_id - get // get user profile
- /api/v1/admins/users/user_id - patch // update user profile
- /api/v1/admins/users/user_id - delete // delete user profile !TODO
- /api/v1/admins/users/user_id - post // add user profile !TODO
To develop this project run
npm start
To deploy this project run
npm run dev
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd e-commerce-api
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run dev
import Component from "my-project";
function App() {
return <Component />;
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
Client: React.js, Next.js, TailwindCSS
Server: Node, Express, bcryptjs, cloudinary, compression, cookie-parse, express-rate-limit, jsonwebtoken, mailgen, mongoose, mongoose-aggregate-paginate-v2, nodemailer,, sslcommerz, stripe
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at