21178 commits
to master
since this release
Mar 25, 2017
A big thanks to @agamrafaeli for increasing the test coverage by 4%.
We are now at 93.53%. That's pretty great.
Component Fixes / Enhancements
- [Chip] Add tests for handleKeyDown for Chip module (#6379) @agamrafaeli
- [Chip] Add tests for onRequestDelete (#6377) @agamrafaeli
- [Chip] Alignements issue on children, affecting safari only (#6336) @stunaz
- [Dialog] Test transition prop not a function (#6387) @agamrafaeli
- [DialogTitle] Test scenario where children are a string (#6386) @agamrafaeli
- [Drawer] Remove unreachable code in
(#6388) @agamrafaeli - [FormControl] Add tests for internal functions (#6407) @agamrafaeli
- [FormGroup] Add spec (#6404) @agamrafaeli
- [IconButton] Add test for rendering Icon children (#6405) @agamrafaeli
- [Layout] Backport a fix at Doctolib for Chrome (#6376) @oliviertassinari
- [Layout] Revise default value for aligns-items (#6334) @stunaz
- [List] Making list meet Material Guidelines (#6367) @kybarg
- [style] Expose createStyleSheet to reduce boilerplate (#6378) @oliviertassinari
- [style] Expose the between breakpoints helper (#6382) @oliviertassinari
- [TableSortLabel] Add spec (#6408) @agamrafaeli
- [test] Expose the test helpers (#6383) @oliviertassinari
- [TouchRipple] Add tests for edge cases (#6411) @agamrafaeli