Aug 23, 2023
A big thanks to the 4 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:
Add GraphQL example app, add descriptions to component docs, improve resizable panels, improve custom component creation UX, simplify page layouts.
- Stall package updates for dependencies that require node 18 (#2533) @Janpot
- Add more examples page (#2447) @prakhargupta1
- React resizable panels (#2398) @Janpot
- Make module exports compatible with node module resolution in typescript (#2522) @Janpot
- Require a helperText for builtin components and argTypes (#2456) @Janpot
- Fix esbuild warning (#2521) @Janpot
- Improve open code editor snackbar (#2520) @Janpot
- Add graphQL example (#2471) @prakhargupta1
- Update bug template to ask for specific environment (#2513) @Janpot
- Add an explanation on why we use structuredClone in the canvas (#2514) @Janpot
- Avoid single child layout containers (#2388) @apedroferreira
- [docs] Add 'Miscellaneous' section to How-to guides (#2524) @bharatkashyap
- [website] Fix typo (#2530) @bharatkashyap
All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @apedroferreira, @bharatkashyap, @Janpot, @prakhargupta1