I'm Mukul, a founding product Engineer at Workduck. I graduated from IIT Kharagpur with a CS degree in '22
- 🦆 I've been at Workduck since October '21, and work on backend and DevOps, while occassionally dabbling into frontend. We primarly use TS + React and are fans of the serverless ecosystem!
- 🔭 I previously interned at Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, part of the file storage SRE team trying to increase observability into the disk provisioning and failure process
- 🎧 I worked with some fantastic people to build LTTKGP but sadly haven't had the time to maintain it and would be glad if you're willing to help manage it. Please reach out and we could get started!
- 📫 How to reach me: Email - hello@mukul-mehta.in
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him