This project has been deprecated and is no longer maintained. Please use WebAPI Parser converter instead.
This package helps to convert between different API specifications. It was originally forked from the converter.
- OAS (OAS 2.0) -> RAML 1.0: Complete Functional Specification
- RAML 1.0 -> OAS (OAS 2.0): Complete Functional Specification
- RAML 1.0 -> OAS (OAS 3.0): Complete Functional Specification
- RAML 0.8 -> OAS (OAS 2.0)
- RAML 0.8 -> RAML 1.0
For an online conversion, use:
This command needs to be execute after cloning repository,
npm run build
This utility helps you converting local files from your command line.
./lib/bin/converter.js --from OAS20 --to RAML ./path/to/swagger.json
./lib/bin/converter.js --from OAS20 --to RAML ./path/to/swagger.json > output.raml
./lib/bin/converter.js --from RAML --to OAS20 ./path/to/source.raml > swagger.json
Or install globally and then:
oas-raml-converter --from OAS20 --to RAML ./path/to/swagger.json
oas-raml-converter --from OAS20 --to RAML ./path/to/swagger.json > output.raml
oas-raml-converter --from RAML --to OAS20 ./path/to/source.raml > swagger.json
For a REST API of the converter, you can start it in an express server, checkout the oas-raml-converter-service project.
npm install --save oas-raml-converter
Raml 1.0 to OAS 2.0:
var converter = require('oas-raml-converter');
var raml10ToOas20 = new converter.Converter(converter.Formats.RAML, converter.Formats.OAS20);
OAS 2.0 to Raml 1.0:
var converter = require('oas-raml-converter');
var oas20ToRaml10 = new converter.Converter(converter.Formats.OAS20, converter.Formats.RAML);
The converter detects the input raml format automatically by passing RAML
import format, so:
Raml 0.8 to OAS 2.0:
var converter = require('oas-raml-converter');
var raml08ToOas20 = new converter.Converter(converter.Formats.RAML, converter.Formats.OAS20);
Raml 0.8 to Raml 1.0:
var converter = require('oas-raml-converter');
var raml08ToRaml10 = new converter.Converter(converter.Formats.RAML, converter.Formats.RAML);
oas20ToRaml10.convertFile('/path/to/swagger.json').then(function(raml) {
console.log(raml); // raml is raml yaml string
.catch(function(err) {
var myOasString = '...';
oas20ToRaml10.convertData(myOasString).then(function(raml) {
console.log(raml); // raml is raml yaml string
.catch(function(err) {
var options = {
validate: false, // Parse both input and output to check that its a valid document
validateImport: false, // Only validate input
validateExport: false, // Only validate output
format: 'yaml', // Output format: json (default for OAS) or yaml (default for RAML)
fs: { ... } // Use a custom file system solver (not yet available)
oas20ToRaml10.convertFile('/path/to/swagger.json', options).then(function(raml) {
console.log(raml); // raml is raml yaml string
.catch(function(err) {
Contributions are welcome! Please check the current issues to make sure what you are trying to do has not already been discussed.
- Fork.
- Make changes.
- Write tests.
- Send a pull request.
Install dependencies:
npm install
Run tests:
npm test
Run eslint to check linting errors:
npm run eslint