PHP package to support use of the SirsiDynix Symphony Web Services API (ILSWS) for patron functions
John Houser
- Validate all inputs to public functions
- Produce clean, clear error messages
- Prevent or replace SirsiDynix error messages (which are sometimes obscure) as much as possible
- Provide easy, high-level functions for creating, modifying, searching for, and authenticating patrons
- Provide code examples for all functions
- Support easy reconfiguration without code changes to mirror changes to the Symphony configuration
- Support patron registrations or updates of any valid Symphony patron field without code changes
- Allow easy adaptation by other libraries
These functions can be used with any valid ILSWS access point. They will throw exceptions on error.
- connect ()
- send_get($url, $token, $params)
- send_query($url, $token, $query_json, $query_type)
These functions correspond with ILSWS access points, but they valididate all inputs and will throw exceptions if presented with inappropriate inputs.
- authenticate_patron($token, $patron_id, $password)
- change_barcode($token, $patron_key, $patron_id, $options)
Options array may include: role, client_id - change_item_library($token, $item_key, $library)
- change_patron_password($token, $json, $options)
Options array may include: role, client_id - delete_patron($token, $patron_key)
- describe_bib($token)
- describe_item($token)
- describe_patron($token)
- get_expiration($days)
- get_policy($token, $policy_key)
- search_patron($token, $index, $search, $params)
- search_patron_alt_id($token, $alt_id, $count)
- search_patron_id($token, $patron_id, $count)
- transit_item($token, $item_key, $new_library, $working_library)
- untransit_item($token, $item_id)
- update_patron_activity($token, $patron_id)
These functions offer functionality not directly supported by ILSWS by performing multiple queries or by combining, manipulating or evaluating data from the Symphony system.
- authenticate_patron_id($token, $patron_id, $password)
- check_duplicate($token, $index1, $search1, $index2, $search2)
- email_template($patron, $to, $from, $subject, $template)
- get_bib($token, $bib_key, $field_list)
- get_bib_circ_info($token, $bib_key)
- get_bib_marc($token, $bib_key)
- get_call_number($token, $call_key, $field_list)
- get_catalog_indexes($token)
- get_hold($token, $hold_key)
- get_item($token, $item_key, $field_list)
- get_item_circ_info($token, $item_key)
- get_library_paging_list($token, $library_key)
- get_patron_attributes($token, $patron_key)
- get_patron_checkouts($token, $patron_key, $include_fields)
- get_patron_indexes($token)
- prepare_search($terms)
- register_patron($patron, $token, $addr_num, $options)
Options array may include: role, client_id, template, subject - reset_patron_password($token, $patron_id, $url, $email)
Optional: email - search_authenticate($token, $index, $search, $password)
- search_bib($token, $index, $value, $params)
Params array may include: q, ct, rw, j, includeFields - update_patron($patron, $token, $patron_key, $addr_num)
- update_patron_activeid($token, $patron_key, $patron_id, $option)
Option may be: a, i, d - update_phone_list($phone_list, $token, $patron_key, $options)
Options array may include: role, client_id
For the convenience of developers, the code library accepts dates in the following formats, wherever a date is accepted as a parameter: YYYYMMDD, YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY/MM/DD, MM-DD-YYYY, or MM/DD/YYYY.
The validation rules for telephone numbers are currently set to expect a string of digits with no punctuation. However, it would be easy to modify the validation rules at the top of any public function to accept punctuation in telephone numbers.
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
// Initialize and load configuration from YAML configuration file
$ilsws = new Libilsws\Libilsws('./libilsws.yaml');
// Connect to ILSWS with configuration loaded from YAML file
$token = $ilsws->connect();
* Valid incoming params are:
* ct = number of results to return,
* rw = row to start on (so you can page through results),
* j = boolean AND or OR to use with multiple search terms, and
* includeFields = fields to return in result.
$index = 'EMAIL';
$search = '';
// Prepare search parameters, including fields to return
$options = [
'rw' => 1,
'ct' => 10,
'j' => 'AND',
'includeFields' => 'key,barcode']
// Run search
$response = $ilsws->search_patron($token, $index, $search, $options);
$response = $ilsws->get_patron_attributes($token, $patron_key);
* The order of the fields doesn't matter. Not all of these are actually required.
* See the YAML configuration file to determine which fields are required. If an
* email template name is included in the options array, an email will be sent to the
* patron. Actual template files must include a language extension (for example .en for
* English. The system will look for template that matches the patrons language
* preference. If one is found, it will use that, otherwise it will attempt to
* find and use an English template.
$patron = [
'birthDate' => '1962-03-07',
'city_state' => 'Portland, OR',
'county' => '0_MULT',
'email' => '',
'firstName' => 'Bogus',
'friends_notices' => 'YES',
'home_library' => 'CEN',
'language' => 'ENGLISH',
'lastName' => 'Bogart',
'library_news' => 'YES',
'middleName' => 'T',
'notice_type' => 'PHONE',
'patron_id' => '21168045918653',
'postal_code' => '97209',
'street' => '925 NW Hoyt St Apt 406',
'telephone' => '215-534-6821',
'sms_phone' => [
'number' => '215-534-6821',
'countryCode' => 'US',
'bills' => true,
'general' => true,
'holds' => true,
'manual' => true,
'overdues' => true,
$addr_num = 1;
$options = [];
$options['role'] = 'STAFF';
$options['client_id'] = 'StaffClient';
$options['template'] = 'template.html.twig';
$options['subject'] = 'Welcome to the library!';
$response = $ilsws->register_patron($patron, $token, $addr_num, $options);
// Define patron array
$patron = [
'firstName' => 'John',
'middleName' => 'Rad',
'lastName' => 'Houser',
'birthDate' => '1972-03-10',
'home_library' => 'CEN',
'county' => '0_MULT',
'notice_type' => 'PHONE',
'library_news' => 'YES',
'friends_notices' => 'YES',
'online_update' => 'YES',
'street' => '925 NW Hoyt St Apt 606',
'city_state' => 'Portland, OR',
'patron_id' => '21168045918653',
'postal_code' => '97208',
'email' => '',
'telephone' => '215-544-6941',
'sms_phone' => [
'number' => '215-544-6941',
'countryCode => 'US',
'bills' => true,
'general' => true,
'holds' => true,
'manual' => true,
'overdues' => true,
$addr_num = 1;
$patron_key = '782339';
// Update the patron record
$response = $ilsws->update_patron($patron, $token, $patron_key, $addr_num);
* Convert UTF-8 characters with accents to ASCII and strip unwanted characters and
* boolean operators from search terms
$search = $ilsws->prepare_search($search);
// Prepare search parameters and choose fields to return
$params = [
'ct' => '50',
'rw' => '1',
'j' => 'AND',
'includeFields' => 'author,title,bib{650_a,856_u},callList{callNumber,itemList{barcode,currentLocation}}'
// Run search
$response = $ilsws->search_bib($token, $index, $search, $params);
Notes on the includeFields parameter:
- To include MARC data by tag, add a bib item. For example, to get the 650 tag, subfield a, add:
- To get a call number or any item from the item record, you must include a callList item. For example, add
- To get any field from the item record, you must include an itemList entry within the callList item. For example, to get a barcode, add
See the libilsws.yaml.sample file for field definitions and documentation of the YAML configuration options.
For a complete set of code examples see the example scripts in the test
Warning: the test scripts may make real changes to the configured Symphony system. Do not use on a production system without carefully reviewing what they do!