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PHP package to support use of the SirsiDynix Symphony Web Services API (ILSWS)


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PHP package to support use of the SirsiDynix Symphony Web Services API (ILSWS) for patron functions

John Houser

Design Goals

  • Validate all inputs to public functions
  • Produce clean, clear error messages
  • Prevent or replace SirsiDynix error messages (which are sometimes obscure) as much as possible
  • Provide easy, high-level functions for creating, modifying, searching for, and authenticating patrons
  • Provide code examples for all functions
  • Support easy reconfiguration without code changes to mirror changes to the Symphony configuration
  • Support patron registrations or updates of any valid Symphony patron field without code changes
  • Allow easy adaptation by other libraries

Public Functions


These functions can be used with any valid ILSWS access point. They will throw exceptions on error.

  • connect ()
  • send_get($url, $token, $params)
  • send_query($url, $token, $query_json, $query_type)

Convenience Functions

These functions correspond with ILSWS access points, but they valididate all inputs and will throw exceptions if presented with inappropriate inputs.

  • authenticate_patron($token, $patron_id, $password)
  • change_barcode($token, $patron_key, $patron_id, $options)
    Options array may include: role, client_id
  • change_item_library($token, $item_key, $library)
  • change_patron_password($token, $json, $options)
    Options array may include: role, client_id
  • delete_patron($token, $patron_key)
  • describe_bib($token)
  • describe_item($token)
  • describe_patron($token)
  • get_expiration($days)
  • get_policy($token, $policy_key)
  • search_patron($token, $index, $search, $params)
  • search_patron_alt_id($token, $alt_id, $count)
  • search_patron_id($token, $patron_id, $count)
  • transit_item($token, $item_key, $new_library, $working_library)
  • untransit_item($token, $item_id)
  • update_patron_activity($token, $patron_id)


These functions offer functionality not directly supported by ILSWS by performing multiple queries or by combining, manipulating or evaluating data from the Symphony system.

  • authenticate_patron_id($token, $patron_id, $password)
  • check_duplicate($token, $index1, $search1, $index2, $search2)
  • email_template($patron, $to, $from, $subject, $template)
  • get_bib($token, $bib_key, $field_list)
  • get_bib_circ_info($token, $bib_key)
  • get_bib_marc($token, $bib_key)
  • get_call_number($token, $call_key, $field_list)
  • get_catalog_indexes($token)
  • get_hold($token, $hold_key)
  • get_item($token, $item_key, $field_list)
  • get_item_circ_info($token, $item_key)
  • get_library_paging_list($token, $library_key)
  • get_patron_attributes($token, $patron_key)
  • get_patron_checkouts($token, $patron_key, $include_fields)
  • get_patron_indexes($token)
  • prepare_search($terms)
  • register_patron($patron, $token, $addr_num, $options)
    Options array may include: role, client_id, template, subject
  • reset_patron_password($token, $patron_id, $url, $email)
    Optional: email
  • search_authenticate($token, $index, $search, $password)
  • search_bib($token, $index, $value, $params)
    Params array may include: q, ct, rw, j, includeFields
  • update_patron($patron, $token, $patron_key, $addr_num)
  • update_patron_activeid($token, $patron_key, $patron_id, $option)
    Option may be: a, i, d
  • update_phone_list($phone_list, $token, $patron_key, $options)
    Options array may include: role, client_id

Date and Telephone Number Formats

For the convenience of developers, the code library accepts dates in the following formats, wherever a date is accepted as a parameter: YYYYMMDD, YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY/MM/DD, MM-DD-YYYY, or MM/DD/YYYY.

The validation rules for telephone numbers are currently set to expect a string of digits with no punctuation. However, it would be easy to modify the validation rules at the top of any public function to accept punctuation in telephone numbers.


Initialize and Connect to ILSWS

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

// Initialize and load configuration from YAML configuration file
$ilsws = new Libilsws\Libilsws('./libilsws.yaml');

// Connect to ILSWS with configuration loaded from YAML file
$token = $ilsws->connect();

Search for a Patron

 * Valid incoming params are: 
 * ct            = number of results to return,
 * rw            = row to start on (so you can page through results),
 * j             = boolean AND or OR to use with multiple search terms, and
 * includeFields = fields to return in result.

$index = 'EMAIL';
$search = '';

// Prepare search parameters, including fields to return
$options = [
    'rw' => 1, 
    'ct' => 10, 
    'j' => 'AND', 
    'includeFields' => 'key,barcode']

// Run search
$response = $ilsws->search_patron($token, $index, $search, $options);

Get Patron Attributes

$response = $ilsws->get_patron_attributes($token, $patron_key);

Register New Patron

 * The order of the fields doesn't matter. Not all of these are actually required. 
 * See the YAML configuration file to determine which fields are required. If an
 * email template name is included in the options array, an email will be sent to the 
 * patron. Actual template files must include a language extension (for example .en for
 * English. The system will look for template that matches the patrons language
 * preference. If one is found, it will use that, otherwise it will attempt to
 * find and use an English template.
$patron = [
    'birthDate' => '1962-03-07',
    'city_state' => 'Portland, OR',
    'county' => '0_MULT',
    'email' => '',
    'firstName' => 'Bogus',
    'friends_notices' => 'YES',
    'home_library' => 'CEN',
    'language' => 'ENGLISH',
    'lastName' => 'Bogart',
    'library_news' => 'YES',
    'middleName' => 'T',
    'notice_type' => 'PHONE',
    'patron_id' => '21168045918653',
    'postal_code' => '97209',
    'street' => '925 NW Hoyt St Apt 406',
    'telephone' => '215-534-6821',
    'sms_phone' => [
        'number' => '215-534-6821',
        'countryCode' => 'US',
        'bills'       => true,
        'general'     => true,
        'holds'       => true,
        'manual'      => true,
        'overdues'    => true,

$addr_num = 1;

$options = [];
$options['role'] = 'STAFF';
$options['client_id'] = 'StaffClient';
$options['template'] = 'template.html.twig';
$options['subject'] = 'Welcome to the library!';

$response = $ilsws->register_patron($patron, $token, $addr_num, $options);

Update Patron Record

// Define patron array
$patron = [
    'firstName' => 'John',
    'middleName' => 'Rad',
    'lastName' => 'Houser',
    'birthDate' => '1972-03-10',
    'home_library' => 'CEN',
    'county' => '0_MULT',
    'notice_type' => 'PHONE',
    'library_news' => 'YES',
    'friends_notices' => 'YES',
    'online_update' => 'YES',
    'street' => '925 NW Hoyt St Apt 606',
    'city_state' => 'Portland, OR',
    'patron_id' => '21168045918653',
    'postal_code' => '97208',
    'email' => '',
    'telephone' => '215-544-6941',
    'sms_phone' => [
        'number' => '215-544-6941',
        'countryCode => 'US',
        'bills'       => true,
        'general'     => true,
        'holds'       => true,
        'manual'      => true,
        'overdues'    => true,

$addr_num = 1;
$patron_key = '782339';

// Update the patron record
$response = $ilsws->update_patron($patron, $token, $patron_key, $addr_num);

Search for bibliographic records

 * Convert UTF-8 characters with accents to ASCII and strip unwanted characters and 
 * boolean operators from search terms
$search = $ilsws->prepare_search($search);

// Prepare search parameters and choose fields to return
$params = [ 
    'ct'            => '50',
    'rw'            => '1',
    'j'             => 'AND',
    'includeFields' => 'author,title,bib{650_a,856_u},callList{callNumber,itemList{barcode,currentLocation}}'

// Run search
$response = $ilsws->search_bib($token, $index, $search, $params);

Notes on the includeFields parameter:

  • To include MARC data by tag, add a bib item. For example, to get the 650 tag, subfield a, add: bib{650_a}
  • To get a call number or any item from the item record, you must include a callList item. For example, add callList{callNumber}
  • To get any field from the item record, you must include an itemList entry within the callList item. For example, to get a barcode, add callList{itemList{barcode}}

More Information

See the libilsws.yaml.sample file for field definitions and documentation of the YAML configuration options.

For a complete set of code examples see the example scripts in the test directory.

Warning: the test scripts may make real changes to the configured Symphony system. Do not use on a production system without carefully reviewing what they do!