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Easier to configure, more tightly integrated node pools
This is an implementation of kubernetes-retired#238 from @redbaron especially what I've described in my comment there kubernetes-retired#238 (comment), and an answer to the request "**3. Node pools should be more tightly integrated**" of kubernetes-retired#271 from @Sasso . I believe this also achieves what was requested by @andrejvanderzee in kubernetes-retired#176 (comment). After applying this change: 1. All the `kube-aws node-pools` sub-commands are dropped 2. You can now bring up a main cluster and one or more node pools at once with `kube-aws up` 3. You can now update all the sub-clusters including a main cluster and node pool(s) by running `kube-aws update` 4. You can now destroy all the AWS resources spanning main and node pools at once with `kube-aws destroy` 5. You can configure node pools by defining a `worker.nodePools` array in cluster.yaml` 6. `workerCount` is dropped. Please migrate to `worker.nodePools[].count` 7. `node-pools/` and hence `node-pools/<node pool name>` directories, `cluster.yaml`, `stack-template.json`, `user-data/cloud-config-worker` for each node pool are dropped. 8. A typical local file tree would now look like: - `cluster.yaml` - `stack-templates/` (generated on `kube-aws render`) - `root.json.tmpl` - `control-plane.json.tmpl` - `node-pool.json.tmpl` - `userdata/` - `cloud-config-worker` - `cloud-config-controller` - `cloud-config-etcd` - `credentials/` - *.pem(generated on `kube-aws render`) - *.pem.enc(generated on `kube-aws validate` or `kube-aws up`) - `exported/` (generated on `kube-aws up --export --s3-uri <s3uri>`) - `stacks/` - `control-plane/` - `stack.json` - `user-data-controller` - `<node pool name = stack name>/` - `stack.json` - `user-data-worker` 9. A typical object tree in S3 would now look like: - `<bucket and directory from s3URI>`/ - kube-aws/ - clusters/ - `<cluster name>`/ - `exported`/ - `stacks`/ - `control-plane/` - `stack.json` - `cloud-config-controller` - `<node pool name = stack name>`/ - `stack.json` Implementation details: Under the hood, kube-aws utilizes CloudFormation nested stacks to delegate management of multiple stacks as a whole. kube-aws now creates 1 root stack and nested stacks including 1 main(or currently named "control plane") stack and 0 or more node pool stacks. kube-aws operates on S3 to upload all the assets required by all the stacks(root, main, node pools) and then on CloudFormation to create/update/destroy a root stack. An example `cluster.yaml` I've been used to test this looks like: ```yaml clusterName: <your cluster name> externalDNSName: <your external dns name> hostedZoneId: <your hosted zone id> keyName: <your key name> kmsKeyArn: <your kms key arn> region: ap-northeast-1 createRecordSet: true experimental: waitSignal: enabled: true subnets: - name: private1 availabilityZone: ap-northeast-1a instanceCIDR: "" private: true - name: private2 availabilityZone: ap-northeast-1c instanceCIDR: "" private: true - name: public1 availabilityZone: ap-northeast-1a instanceCIDR: "" - name: public2 availabilityZone: ap-northeast-1c instanceCIDR: "" controller: subnets: - name: public1 - name: public2 loadBalancer: private: false etcd: subnets: - name: public1 - name: public2 worker: nodePools: - name: pool1 subnets: - name: asgPublic1a - name: pool2 subnets: # former `worker.subnets` introduced in v0.9.4-rc.1 via kubernetes-retired#284 - name: asgPublic1c instanceType: "c4.large" # former `workerInstanceType` in the top-level count: 2 # former `workerCount` in the top-level rootVolumeSize: ... rootVolumeType: ... rootVolumeIOPs: ... autoScalingGroup: minSize: 0 maxSize: 10 waitSignal: enabled: true maxBatchSize: 2 - name: spotFleetPublic1a subnets: - name: public1 spotFleet: targetCapacity: 1 unitRootVolumeSize: 50 unitRootvolumeIOPs: 100 rootVolumeType: gp2 spotPrice: 0.06 launchSpecifications: - spotPrice: 0.12 weightedCapacity: 2 instanceType: m4.xlarge rootVolumeType: io1 rootVolumeIOPs: 200 rootVolumeSize: 100 ```
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