Hi there! You are at the root repository of the Mumuki Platform, the libre open-source platform of the Mumuki Project. This is the entry point for everyone who wants to report an issue, suggest an enhancement or start a discussion about any aspect of the platform. We accept issues both in English and Spanish, please check our contributing guidelines for further information.
The platform is a web-based coding tool that provides automatic formative assessment, fully developed in Argentina. The platform aims to provide assistance for teachers and students, in a process conduced by practice where theory arises from the exercises. It supports a wide range of programming languages, from Haskell or Prolog to Python or C, and automatic feedback can be provided for all of them. An online, fully-functional sample of the platform can be visited at http://mumuki.io.
Wanna learn more about the software? Visit one of the main repositories:
- The laboratory 🔬 - where students practice and receive feedback, both from the machine and from their teachers.
- The classroom 🏫 - where teachers track students' progress and send them feedback.
- The bibliotheca 📚 - where all the content is created, edited and stored.
- The office 📋 - where users permissions are managed.
- Guía de Estilo (Style Guide): some guidelines and recommendations on how to write exercises for the Platform.
- Mumuki para Docentes (Teacher Tools Overview): instructions and FAQ for teachers using the Platform.