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Repository files navigation


A React Native starter powered by [dva](https: // and [react-navigation](https: //


npm install dva-native-cli -g
dvanative git app
cd app
react-native run-ios # or react-native run-android

Great thanks to @xuan45 for his cli tool [dva-native-cli](https: //, check that project for more information.


The builtin router of dva (not react-router v4), doesn't support React Native, we have to integrate other router components, such as Navigator, ExperimentalNavigation, react-native-router-flux and react-navigation. Since the former two will be depreciated in flavor of react-navigation, which is also be recommended by official, so I choose it to be the navigator.

In this starter, I provide a router model to control the default action flow of react-navigation to workaround a known [issue](https: // If you don't need this, the integration will be much simpler, you can simply remove the router model and pass routerReducer to extraReducer of dva extraReducers: { router: routerReducer }. Read [Redux Integration](https: // and [dva's API](https: // for more information.

Also there is another workaround for a missing feature https: //, so I use two StackNavigators to contain the screens with different transition animations, you can create you own transition animations via transitionConfig, see https: //


打包调试 命令

生成秘钥签名 (根目录)

keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore  -alias my-key-alias -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

生成bundle文件 (根目录)

react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output  android/app/src/main/assets/ --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res/

打包正式realese (android 目录)

./gradlew assembleRelease
./gradlew installRelease

打包调试debug (android 目录)

./gradlew assembleDebug
./gradlew installDebug

adb 停止工作

netstat -aon|findstr "5037"

打包 更新版本 配置

rn 配置 项目\app\utils\config.js 配置平台、版本信息 oss 配置 上传本地平台版本配置 (\app\utils\self_app_vertions.json) 到云端oss (/soft/self/self_app_vertions.json) 安卓配置 app名称: android\app\src\main\res\values\string.xml 包名更改: android目录下全局替换(12文件15结果)com.GckhAppXXX 或 .GckhAppHN 或 .GckhAppHB 或 .GckhAppSD 或.GckhAppGZ 版本更改: AndroidManifest.xml => versionCode (整数,覆盖更新依据) versionCode (展示的版本号,未生效) icon更改: 覆盖 android\app\src\main\res\mipmap-xxx 从/app/assets/android/icon_xx/ 启动页更改: 覆盖 android\app\src\main\res\mipmap\ 从/app/assets/android/启动页-xxx/launch_screen.png ios xcode配置 app名称: plist更改Bundle display name 湖南网络助学/湖北网络助学/过程性考核/贵大自考评价 包名更改: app/index.js 需改为GckhAppHN 证书更改: General =>identity =>Bundle Identifier: com.codery.hnself 版本更改: Version;Build icon更改: 覆盖 ios目录=>GckhAppHN=>images.xcassets=> AppIcon.appiconset 从/app/assets/ios/icon_xx/ 启动页更改: ios目录=>GckhAppHN=>images.xcassets=>LaunchImage.launchimage 从/app/assets/ios/启动页-xxx/ 生成静态jsBundle: 根目录命令 npm run bundle-ios 更改jsBundle引用: AppDelegate.m => debug包或正式包 更改打包模式: shift+command+, Run =>Build Configuration 更改打包设备: Generic IOS Device 开始打包: 菜单=>Product=>Archive -----------------------------------------------



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