Releases: munkireport/wifi
v3.12: Private MAC address
v3.11: Add support for macOS 15
Adds support for macOS 15.
Contains new client script
v3.9: Fix if no WiFi interface
Fixes an issue caused by the Mac not having a WiFi interface installed.
Contains new client script
v3.8: Fix for WiFi not showing in listing
Fixes an issue where the Mac would not properly detect its WiFi state and cause it to now show in the listing or widgets. Also adjusts how WiFi encryption types are counted for displaying in the widgets.
Contains new client script
v3.7: Fix for changes in macOS 14.5
Apple added new privacy features to hide SSID and BSSID, changed how those values are obtained. Closes issue #9
Contains new client script
v3.6: Fix issue with WiFi on but not connected
Fixes an issue with the client script when the WiFi is on, but not connected. Also fixes collecting the currently connected WiFi's BSSID address. Bug reported by Christian Buerger on MacAdmins Slack.
Contains new client script
v3.5: Support for macOS 14.4
Changes the script to use a different command for gathering data on macOS 13.0 and newer. Resolves deprecation of airport
command on macOS 14.4. Resolves issue #7
Contains new client script
v3.4: Add WiFi information to client detail
Adds WiFi SSID and BSSID to network client detail
v3.3: Add PHY Mode and Country Code
Adds PHY mode and country code in WiFi views
Contains new client script and database migrations
v3.2: Fix Known Networks
Fixes the collecting of known WiFi networks. This is disabled by default. To enable, run sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/MunkiReport.plist wifi_known_networks_enabled -bool true
on the clients or add wifi_known_networks_enabled
as a boolean with the value of TRUE
to the MunkiReport
pref domain using a profile. The collection of known WiFi networks is only supported on macOS 11 and later.
Contains new client script.