Flix is an app that allows users to browse movies from the The Movie Database API.
- (5pts) User can tap a cell to see more details about a particular movie.
- (5pts) User can tap a tab bar button to view a grid layout of Movie Posters using a CollectionView.
- (2pts) User can tap a poster in the collection view to see a detail screen of that movie.
- (2pts) In the detail view, when the user taps the poster, a new screen is presented modally where they can view the trailer.
- Spent an unnecessary amount of time trying to find out why an optional URL could not be unwrapped into the collectionView image. The collectionView outlet existed only in text, but was not truly connected...
- (2pts) User sees an app icon on the home screen and a styled launch screen.
- (5pts) User can view and scroll through a list of movies now playing in theaters.
- (3pts) User can view the movie poster image for each movie.
- (2pt) User can view the app on various device sizes and orientations.
- (1pt) Run your app on a real device.
Describe any challenges encountered while building the app.
- Autolayout was tricky at first but after getting a hang of it, pinning constraints became somewhat intuitive. I realized that views should be position with constraints in the first place, rather than dragging them.
- Finding a cable that connects to my iPhone to my macbook was unnecessarily hard :(