Cycles for Gaffer. Cycles is a submodule to this project, and will grab the dependencies from the Gaffer install directory. Most all of Cycles' dependencies are covered by Gaffer, except for the optional dependencies OpenSubdiv and Embree.
- cmake
- Gaffer Install from GafferHQ
- (optional)OpenSubdiv
- (optional)Embree
- (optional)OptiX
- (optional)Gflags+Glog
Check Optional dependency install down below for easy python scripts
In a terminal (Linux/Ubuntu):
export GAFFER_ROOT=<gaffer install path>
export GAFFERCYCLES=<install destination>
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd GafferCycles
mkdir build
cd build
make install -j <num cores>
Optional dependencies+install:
Run this after cloning the git repo and before building
cd dependencies
python ./build/ --project Gflags --buildDir $GAFFERCYCLES --forceCCompiler gcc-6 --forceCxxCompiler g++-6
python ./build/ --project Glog --buildDir $GAFFERCYCLES --forceCCompiler gcc-6 --forceCxxCompiler g++-6
python ./build/ --project Embree --buildDir $GAFFERCYCLES --forceCCompiler gcc-6 --forceCxxCompiler g++-6
python ./build/ --project OpenSubdiv --buildDir $GAFFERCYCLES --forceCCompiler gcc-6 --forceCxxCompiler g++-6
cd ../build
make install -j <num cores>
For OptiX, it will need to be installed from Nvidia's website and -DWITH_CYCLES_DEVICE_OPTIX=ON -DOPTIX_ROOT_DIR=$OPTIX_ROOT
added to the cmake line.
Add to Gaffer extensions path:
Run Gaffer:
GafferCycles should be stable enough to try out now, I have made builds for Linux under releases.
Make sure to append where GafferCycles is installed/extracted to by appending to $GAFFER_EXTENSION_PATHS so that Gaffer will detect GafferCycles.
To build GafferCycles against the VFX Platform and be 100% consistent with upstream GafferHQ, run:
If you have docker correctly installed, this should make a CentOS 7-based image, build GafferCycles and place the resulting package into the out/ directory (can be another path using the --output flag) eg.
./ --output /path/to/output
Alternatively, you can build with Nvidia OptiX support. You must download OptiX and copy it to this directory which needs to be named:
And run:
From :
Remove stopped containers :
docker ps -aq --no-trunc | xargs docker rm
Remove old images :
docker images -q --filter dangling=true | xargs docker rmi