This is a static site where you can view information. Written on HTML and CSS.
The site contains information in the form of text and is supplemented with pictures.
git clone
After that, you can open the site through a code editor or you can open the file that was downloaded after you wrote the command shown above.
Then by right-clicking on the index.html file and selecting the function open with Firefox or Google Chrome .
The code is divided into sections. A flexbox is used for each section.
The exported font for the text was used.
Each HTML section has its own CSS section.
In the CSS file, all sections are separated by comments, which help you quickly find the necessary lines of code
It's a one-dimensional layout model for distributing space between items and includes numerous alignment capabilities.
The CSS grid layout module excels at dividing a page into major regions or defining the relationship in terms of size, position, and layer, between parts of a control built from HTML primitives.