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this consists of two components.

  • a daemon, streamchatd
  • a rust client, streamchatc that connects via tcp, and prints to its tty

the daemon, streamchatd connects to twitch and buffers messages. once a client connects, it sends these buffered messages to the client. this allows multiple clients to connect and get a broadcast style output, and allows clients to reconnect and resume with a back log.

the client, streamchatc is a rust client that connects to streamchatd over a tcp socket. its meant to be used in a terminal that supports ANSI colors. it formats each message into a 4 column table

|fringe| |nick| |message| |fringe|

on a single line:

         |nick| |message|        

when wrapping, fringes are applied to the start/end of the leading/trailing lines

         |nick| |message a| |fringe|
|fringe| |nick| |message b| |fringe|
|fringe| |nick| |message c| |fringe|
|fringe| |nick| |message d|         `

the rust library allow one to write their own client, it provides the types used by the daemon, and some other utilities.


usage: streamchatd
    -l <int>
    -c <string>
    -n <string>
flag description
-l backlog limit to store, number of messages to keep.
-c channel to join
-n nickname to use

the configuration file is streamchatd.toml

os location
linux-ish $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/museun/streamchat
windows %APPDATA%/museun/config/streamchat
address = 'localhost:51002'
oauth_token = 'oauth:some_long_token'
limit = 32
channel = 'museun'
nick = 'museun'
key value
address the address that to listen on (tcp socket)
oauth_token twitch oauth token. be sure to include the preceeding oauth:
limit how many messages to store, overridden by the -l flag
channel the twitch channel to join. overridden by the -c flag. note its museun (twitch naming) not #museun (irc naming)
nick the nick to authenticate with. overridden by the n flag


Optional arguments:
  -h, --help                show this help message
  -l, --left STRING         left fringe to use
  --left-color #RRGGBB      left fringe color
  -r, --right STRING        right fringe to use
  --right-color #RRGGBB     right fringe color
  -a, --address ADDR        address of the streamchatd instance
  -n, --buffer-max NUMBER   maximum number of messages to buffer
  -m, --nick-max NUMBER     maximum width of nicknames
  --print-config            print the configuration path
  --config BOOL             use the config file (default: true)
  --standalone              run the client without the server
  --nick TWITCH_NAME        your twitch name
  --channel TWITCH_CHANNEL  the channel to join

standalone mode

  • if you use --standalone you don't need a streamchatd instance running, but a backlog won't be preserved.
  • if you use --config false then it'll require you to have --nick, --channel and --address
  • if you use --standalone and --config false then you'll be required to have --nick, --channel and an ENV variable of STREAMCHAT_TWITCH_OAUTH_TOKEN set to your Twitch OAUTH token

the configuration file is streamchatc.toml

os location
linux-ish $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/museun/streamchat
windows %APPDATA%/museun/config/streamchat
address = 'localhost:51002'
default_line_max = 60
nick_max = 10

fringe = '⤷'
color = '#0000FF'

fringe = '⤶'
color = '#FF0000'
key value
address the address that streamchatd is listening on (tcp socket)
default_line_max how wide the lines will be before wrapping, if it can't be determined automatically
nick_max how long a nick can be before truncation
left_fringe.fringe the fringe string, which can be override by the -l flag
left_fringe.color #RRGGBB color string of the fringe
right_fringe.fringe the fringe string, which can be override by the -r flag
right_fringe.color #RRGGBB color string of the fringe

color config

  • custom user colors can be done via twitch chat. using !color #RRGGBB | RRGGBB.
  • users can reset their colors simply by doing !color
  • the color format for this command is #RRGGBB or RRGGBB or one of Twitch's named colors. See this enum twitchchat.

its stored in color_config.json

os location
linux-ish $XDG_DATA_HOME/museun/streamchat
windows %APPDATA%/museun/data/streamchat

it looks like this:

    "23196011": [

where each object is userid : [R, G, B]

the userid is the twitch user id, and the array is an array of u8s in base 10

response json

  "version": 1,
  "userid": "23196011",
  "timestamp": "1552369599356",
  "name": "museun",
  "data": "need a test example Kappa",
  "color": "OrangeRed",
  "custom_color": {
    "Turbo": [
  "is_action": false,
  "badges": [
      "kind": "Broadcaster",
      "data": "1"
  "emotes": [
      "id": 25,
      "ranges": [
          "start": 20,
          "end": 24
  "tags": {
    "user-id": "23196011",
    "turbo": "0",
    "flags": "",
    "emotes": "25:20-24",
    "mod": "0",
    "room-id": "23196011",
    "tmi-sent-ts": "1552369599175",
    "id": "74f2fde6-6ab7-40fb-b7fa-3f2cb44577a8",
    "badges": "broadcaster/1",
    "color": "#FF4500",
    "display-name": "museun",
    "user-type": "",
    "subscriber": "0"

refer to Message for the struct definition, it uses some types from twitchchat

to write your own clients, just open a tcp connection to $addr:port and read newline (\n) separated json (listed above) until end of stream, or you're done.

when you connect, you may get up to $backlog of messages, so reconnecting can be considered cheap -- you'll always receive the backlog you've not seen before.

to write a different transport, look at Socket. they can be added into the daemon by adding their trait object into the vec on creation.


the twitch chat thing extracted from shaken







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