This project is done for Web Tech Hackathon 2021
This a news feed where a user can upload a post with captions,as well as vote on any posts. Only verified users are allowed to post or vote a picture while others will just be able to view it. The goal to work on this project is to create a community where others can connect on by sharing their artworks and update.
Client--> The client side is mainly handled by react js. Used following features :
a)Context Api which works like a data layer to avoid prop drilling in react
b)Styled Components
c)React Router Dom to create new page and link with them
d)Moment JS is used to manipulate the timestamp into a more desired version
e)Axios is used to make http (post/get) request to the rest api on the node server
Server--> The server side is handled by node js. Used following feature:
a) Express
b) Multer for file uploads
c) Sessions and cookies for user authentication
d) Mysql database connections to work with different queries
-->I have used clean coding on the client side but as I am quite new on working with node js I could not keep it clean. I will soon work on it.
--> Want to implement JWT for better authentication for users
--> Will implement React Redux to control the states
--> Will implement the option for authorized users to make comments on any post which can be viewed by all the other users
-->Will upgrade the user interface to be more user friendly
-->Want to upload the images on a cloud platform and connect the database with it.