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kyer edited this page Nov 17, 2015 · 3 revisions Online Mall

Project Name Online Mall

Project Topic

The Online Mall is a shopping application developed to help the seller and customer make a deal through the Internet. It enables vendors to set up online shops, customers to browse through the shops, and a system administrator to approve and reject requests for new shops and maintain lists of shop categories. On the one hand, the application provides an online shopping site for vendors to manage the items in the shop. On the other hand, it also help customers purchase them online without having to visit the shop physically. The Online Mall is a platform for sellers and customers to conclude the transaction, where Shopping will be highly personalized and the mall will provide lower prices than most competitors. In brief, it is a description of our product which will showcase a complete shopping experience in a small package.

Team Schedule

Our team has 38 members.

Develop Environment

  • OS: Windows 7/8.1
  • Develop Tools: Sublime Text
  • Server App: Node.js
  • DB: MongoDB
  • Test Tools: Firebug , mocha
  • Project management Tools: Microsoft Project 2010
  • Version control Tools: GitHub
  • Networks: HTTP , TCP
  • GUI design tool: DevTool, Photoshop , Firebug
  • Programming Language: CSS , JavaScript


  1. build basic framework
  2. complete admin function
  3. complete shop owner function
  4. complete customer function
  5. complete public pages
  6. complete some additional functions
  7. optimize and beautify

The Deadline
