Simply write set(EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS "/path/to/the/folder/where/is/lcd_i2c/folder")
(/path/to/the/folder/where/is/lcd_i2c/folder) = parent folder of lcd_i2c lbrary ---- to the CMakeLists.txt
BE CAREFUL! Write it AFTER cmake_minimum_required(VERSION x.x)
but BEFORE include($ENV{IDF_PATH}/tools/cmake/project.cmake)
Then add
#include "lcd_i2c.h"
in the project main.c or wherever you need to use it
lcd1602_i2c_init(18, 19, 0); //(SDA, SCL, I2C_Channel)
lcd1602_t lcdtmp = {0};
lcdtmp.i2caddr = 0x27; //(0x27) is the default of lcd1602
lcdtmp.backlight = 1;
lcd1602_dcb_set(&lcdtmp, 1, 0, 0);
void lcd1602_send_string(lcd1602_t *lcd, char *str);
Sends string to the lcd specified by lcd1602_t struct
void lcd1602_create_char(lcd1602_t *lcd, uint8_t location, uint8_t *charmap);
Used to create custom chars (Up to 8 memory space available when running 5x8 mode)
- pointer to lcd,
- location in memory (0-7),
- uint8_t[8] array where each index is one row in character bank, (for example 0b010111 -> 0 == block off, 1 == block on), see example code
void lcd1602_update_backlight(lcd1602_t *lcd);
Used for on/off backlight (before call, set lcd.backlight to either true
or false
void lcd1602_dcb_set(lcd1602_t *lcd, bool displayon, bool cursoron, bool blinkon);
Sets the dcb bits in lcd1602_t
structure, to apply changes call lcd1602_dcb_update
void lcd1602_dcb_update(lcd1602_t *lcd);
Updates and applies changes from lcd->dcb to display
void lcd1602_entry_set(lcd1602_t *lcd, bool direction, bool shift);
Sets the entry bits in lcd1602_t structure, direction
-> 0 = right, 1 = left, shift
-> 0 = Entry shift decrement, 1 = Entry shift increment
void lcd1602_entry_update(lcd1602_t *lcd);
Updates and applies entry bits from lcd1602_t to display
void lcd1602_jumptohome(lcd1602_t *lcd);
Jumps to home and sets cursor to the original position if shifted
void lcd1602_clear(lcd1602_t *lcd);
Clears whole DDRAM (Whole display memory, so nothing will show up, even if shifted)
void lcd1602_rl_shift(lcd1602_t *lcd, uint8_t cur_display, uint8_t direction);
Shifts display (showing of DDRAM contents) or cursor to either left or right
- pointer to lcd1602_t struct
- cursor (LCD1602_CURSORMOVE
) or display (LCD1602_DISPLAYMOVE
) shift select
- direction select: left (LCD1602_MOVELEFT
), right (LCD1602_MOVERIGHT
void lcd1602_set_pos(lcd1602_t *lcd, uint8_t row, uint8_t col);
Sets position of cursor in DDRAM space
- pointer to the lcd1602_t struct
- row 0 (first) or 1 (second)
- column select, can be more than 16 because DDRAM is bigger than the display (80 * 8 bits register = 80 characters = 40 chars on one line)
Here is example project repo ->