- 👋 Hi, I’m @mvhmz81
- 👀 I’m interested in ...all things related to space and marvel and travelling
- 🌱 I’m currently working ...at Ofsted
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on ...anything that will help me progress and learn about tech
- 📫 How to reach me ...muktizavery@gmail.com
- or check me out on https://muktizavery.netlify.com
- Weeks 1-3: Computational Thinking & Problem Solving with JavaScript - Fundamentals of JavaScript, interacting with APIs, Git, and GitHub fundamentals.
- Weeks 4-6: Server-Side Programming, Databases & Testing - NodeJS, SQL, PostgreSQL, Databases, CR,UD and RESTful APIs. TDD, Jest, Postman, Supertest, and Cypress.
- Weeks 7-8: React, Agile Practices & CI/CD - React: Components, Pops, State, Hooks & Custom Hooks. Agile: Stand-ups, Sprints, Retros. CI/CD and DevOps.
- Weeks 9-10: Real-World Project Week, Retro & Deployment - Working as part of an agile project team to create a full-stack app in 5 days. Presenting to and getting feedback from industry judges. Retrospective: Learnings, reflections, and documenting the project before deploying.
- Weeks 11-12: Advanced CS Concepts, Platform & Cloud Engineering - Advanced React concepts. Orchestrating services, Docker, Authorisation, building for the cloud and AWS.
- Weeks 13-16: Final 4-Week Project - Working as part of an agile project team to ideate, design, build & deploy a full-stack app over 4 weeks. Using the skills learned and building on that by incorporating new tech. Design and Planning: Miro, Figma, Trello, and Slack. Frontend: React, NextJS, Tailwind CSS, and Render. Backend: NodeJS, PostgerSQL, Express, NextAuth. Testing: Jest, Postman, Supertest, and Cypress.