End-to-End Machine Learning Predicting Dog Breed 🐶 End-to-end Multi-Class Dog Breed Classification This notebook builds an end-to-end multi-class image classifier using TensorFlow 2.0 and TensorFlow Hub.
- Problem Identifying a breed of a dog given an image of a dog.
When I'm sitting at the cafe and I take a photo of a dog, I want to know what breed of dog it is.
- Data The data we are using is the Kaggle's dog breed identification competition.
- Evaluation The evaluation is a file with prediction probabilities for each dog breed of each test image.
- Features Some information about the data:
We're dealing with images (unstructured data) so it's probably best we use deep learning/transfer learning. There are 120 breeds of dogs (this mean there are 120 different classes) There are around 10,000+ images in the training set (these images have breed labels) There are around 10,000+ images in the test set (these images have no breed label, because we'll want to predict the dog breed)