An example Rocket (made with Rust) service that allows users to register with a Keycloak service. There is an example client provided as well.
First the user is asked to provide a cellphone number. An OTP (one time pin) is sent to the user's handset. The user is then asked to provide this OTP. This OTP is then verified with this service.
After confirming the OTP, the user is then asked to provide the user's details. This includes username, password, firstname, lastname and email. The service will then register the user with Keycloak or let the user know what went wrong.
The service itself uses environmental variables for its configuration. A list can be seen in this document.
The included Dockerfile will compile to an image that can be run on OpenFaas or Knative. The whole
ecosystem of services can be spun up by a simple docker-compose up
- docker and docker-compose
- yarn or npm
- An SMS Portal account or a Twilio account and a Twilio phone number
In the docker
folder, run docker-compose up
. The included Dockerfile will compile to
an image that can be run on OpenFaas or Knative. Note the options in the docker-compose.yml file (see section
"Service Configuration").
You can reach the Keycloak instance on http://localhost:8083 (username admin, password Pa55w0rd). The registration service can be reached on http://localhost:8082
You'll need OpenFaas deployed and its faas-cli utility installed.
The provided stack.yml file must be edited with your instances of Keycloak, Redis and the sms backend's setup (either for Twilio or SMS Portal). The example config had a Redis instance set up (and subsequent REDIS_HOST variable set up as is) with Helm with:
helm install openfaas-redis stable/redis --namespace openfaas-fn --set usePassword=false --set master.persistence.enabled=false
To just build it:
faas-cli build -f stack.yml
To deploy it:
faas-cli up -f stack.yml
- Install with
yarn global add expo-cli
ornpm install -g expo-cli
- In the
folder, runyarn
ornpm install
- Run
expo start
- Take a photo of the resulting QR-code (iOS) or use the Expo app's QR-code scanner (Android) to run the app on your device
These commands assume you're running the service using docker-compose
- Send the OTP:
curl -v -X POST -d '{"number":"<my number>"}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8082/phone/register
The result is the UUID to be used below
- Validate OTP:
curl -v -X PUT -d '{"number":"<my number>","otp":"<4 digit OTP>"}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8082/phone/register/<UUID>
- Do the user registration:
curl -v -X POST -d '{"username":"<username>","password":"<password>","first_name":"<First name>","last_name":"<Last name>","email":"<email>"}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8082/user/register/<UUID>
The docker-compose setup already has these set up (except the SMS_PORTAL_* settings).
Variable | Example | Meaning |
REDIS_HOST | "redis://" | The Redis host to connect to to do the TTL OTP with |
SMS_PORTAL_CLIENT_ID | SMS portal client ID | |
SMS_PORTAL_SECRET | SMS portal secret | |
TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SSID | Twilio account SSID | |
TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN | Twilio authentication token | |
TWILIO_NUMBER_FROM | Twilio number you're sending from | |
KC_BASE | http://localhost:8083/auth | Keycloak base URL |
KC_REALM | my-realm | Realm to register user with |
KC_CLIENT_SECRET | 8541486f-30a6-4fea-8265-b37410a033ad | Client secret for realm |
KC_CLIENT_ID | user-sms-registration | Client ID |
KC_SEND_VERIFICATION_EMAIL | false | Only set this to true if your Keycloak instance has a correctly set up e-mail credentials |
The docker-compose setup has an example of a client (user-sms-registration) set up to do this. In short you need a server to server setup.
When creating a client for a realm for this service, you'll need:
- Access type to be "Confidential"
- Service Accounts Enabled to be enabled
- On the Service Account Roles, the client should have from the client "realm-management" the role "manage-users".
- KC_CLIENT_SECRET is then from the Credentials tab.