- Port:
- Volumes:
- Variables:
: Host of the service. Should always be specified, at least if service is behind a proxy. E.g.https://example.com/nextcloud
: Path in URL, must be set for proper forwarding if URL contains a path, e.g.https://example.com/nextcloud
: Protocol of your service, recommended and default ishttps
: Name of the administration user. Default:admin
: Password of the administration user. Default: random (printed in the log)MEMORY_LIMIT
: PHP memory limit. Default:1000M
: Maximum size of files to upload. Default:8G
: Timeout for apache in seconds , maximum response time. Dafault:3600
: Set to1
to enable debugging. Default:0
: name of the SQL user. Default:nextcloud
: password of the SQL userMYSQL_DATABASE
: name of the nextcloud database. Default:nextcloud
Example use with volumes and MySQL database behind a reverse proxy:
docker pull mwaeckerlin/nextcloud
docker pull mysql
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name ${appname}-mysql-volume mysql sleep infinity
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name ${appname}-volume mwaeckerlin/nextcloud sleep infinity
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name ${appname}-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(pwgen 20 1) -e MYSQL_DATABASE=nextcloud -e MYSQL_USER=nextcloud -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=$(pwgen 20 1) --volumes-from ${appname}-mysql-volume mysql
Behind a reverse proxy:
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name ${appname} -e HOST="${host}" -e UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE=16G -e MAX_INPUT_TIME=7200 -e ADMIN_PWD=$(pwgen 20 1) --volumes-from ${appname}-volume --link ${appname}-mysql:mysql mwaeckerlin/nextcloud
docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 [...] --link ${appname}:${host} mwaeckerlin/reverse-proxy
Or when exposing the port, e.g. to http://localhost:8000
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped -p 8000:80 --name ${appname} -e HOST="${host}" -e UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE=16G -e MAX_INPUT_TIME=7200 -e ADMIN_PWD=$(pwgen 20 1) --volumes-from ${appname}-volume --link ${appname}-mysql:mysql mwaeckerlin/nextcloud
Check the logs:
docker logs -f ${appname}
It is initialied and ready, when you see in the logs:
#### READY ####
docker rm -f test-nc-mysql
docker run -d --name test-nc-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(pwgen 20 1) -e MYSQL_DATABASE=nextcloud -e MYSQL_USER=nextcloud -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=ert456 mysql
docker run --rm -it -p 9000:80 --name test-nc -e ADMIN_PWD=ert456 --link test-nc-mysql:mysql mwaeckerlin/nextcloud bash
How to get the admin password depends, how you started. If you specified it with ADMIN_PWD
on command line, you have several options:
Simply get the environment variable:
docker exec -it ${appname} env | grep ADMIN_PWD
Get it from docker inspect
docker inspect ${appname} | grep ADMIN_PWD
Or use my backup toolset to get the full command line:
./docker-analysis.py ${appname}
But if the password was not set and is generated randomly, you only find it in the log of the first start, so do not forget it:
docker logs ${appname} | grep 'admin-password'