Setup the api:
- Use this wizard to create or select a project in the Google Developers Console and automatically turn on the API. ClickContinue, thenGo to credentials.
- On theAdd credentialsto your project page, click theCancelbutton.
- At the top of the page, select theOAuth consent screentab. Select anEmail address, enter aProduct nameif not already set, and click theSavebutton.
- Select theCredentialstab, click theCreate credentialsbutton and selectOAuth client ID.
- Select the application type webapp, enter the name of your choosings, fill out the redirect uri to your project and click theCreate button.
- You will now receive a Client-ID and Client secret, copy and paste the settings somewere save since you will be needing these later.
Initiate the Gmail class
$gmail = new Gmail();
Use the returned code from the previous call to create a access + refresh token
Initiate connection
$gmail = MartijnWagena\Gmail\Mail::create()
->setAccessToken($access_token, $refresh_token)
Check if token refresh needed
Fetch all messages starting from the 'setStartDate', you only receive the ids of the messages
To fetch details of a message, use the code below
$gmail->getMessage($id, $threadId);
Send mails with the api
$gmail = MartijnWagena\Gmail\Send::create()->setAccessToken($access_token, $refresh_token);
[['email' => '']],
[['email' => '']],
[['email' => '']],
'your subject',
'your message body',
[] // array of attachments of type File
$gmail = MartijnWagena\Gmail::create()->setAccessToken($access_token, $refresh_token);