Challenge 3: A Flask API that enables one to create a recipe category, add, delete and update a category API also allows one to create recipes, update delete them using API endpoints
Find Heroku App here []
- python 3
- Postgres Database Engine
1 Clone the Github Repositorty'
use ssh
$ git clone
2 Install the Database Engine and Pip
$ sudo apt - get install python3-pip python3-dev libpq-dev
4 Create the PostgreSQL Database and User
$ sudo - u postgres psql
$ sudo - u postgres createuser postgres
$ sudo - u postgres createdb flask_api
postgres = # GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE flask_api TO postgres;
5 Create and run database migrations
$ python db init
$ python db migrate
$ python db upgrade
6 Set Up and activate a virtual environment
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
7 Install all application requirements using requirements.txt
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
8 Run the Application
$ python
Interact with the API: -), send http requests using Postman
URL Endpoint | HTTP requests | access | status |
/flask_api/v1/auth/register | POST | Register a new user | public |
/flask_api/v1/auth/login | POST | Login and retrieve token | public |
URL Endpoint | HTTP requests | access | status |
/flask_api/v1/categories/ | POST | Create a new recipe category | private |
/flask_api/v1/categories/ | GET | Retrieve all categories for user | private |
/flask_api/v1/categories/search/?q= & limit & page | GET | Retrieve all categories for a given search | private |
/flask_api/v1/categories/<category_id>/ | GET | Retrieve a category by ID | private |
/flask_api/v1/categories/<category_id>/ | PUT | Update a category | private |
/flask_api/v1/categories/<category_id>/ | DELETE | Delete a category | private |
URL Endpoint | HTTP requests | access | status |
/flask_api/v1/categories/<category_id>/recipes/ | GET | Retrive recipes in a given category | private |
/flask_api/v1/categories/<category_id>/recipes/ | POST | Create recipes in a category | private |
/flask_api/v1/categories/<category_id>/recipes/search/?q=&limit&page | GET | Retrieve all recipes for a given search | private |
/flask_api/v1/categories/<category_id>/recipes/<recipe_id>/ | DELETE | Delete a recipe in a category | private |
/flask_api/v1/categories/<category_id>/recipes/<recipe_id>/ | PUT | update recipe details | private |
Run the APIs on postman to ensure they are fully functioning.