I'm a machine learning engineer who is interested in a lot of things like generative art (check me out on instagram) and game development. I have a blog at mwburke.github.io where I write about them sometimes.
- PyMC Wrapper: a wrapper utility to make PyMC models simpler and quicker to deploy with accompanying blog post
- RLevator: a Gymnasium (successor to OpenAI Gym) environment to model elevator control
- Codenames Clue Generator: tool to generate clue ideas for the game Codenames using semantic similarity with accompanying blog post
- Multi-Armed Bandits Exploration: exploration of several methods to learn in a MAB environment and accompanying blog post with UCB visualization.
- Stargazer: simple python port of the R stargazer regression results formatting tool
- Pure Python XGBoost Prediction Library: a dependency free way to run XGBoost predictions using pure python