neobeans.nvim is a theme loosely based on the default NetBeans theme. It features a dark and a light variant.
Requirements: Neovim 0.7+ and a font patched with NerdFonts glyphs (or disable the custom signs)
- dadbod, dadbod-ui
- Dap, Dap-ui
- nvim-cmp
- Telescope
- NERDTree
- Nvim Tree
- Treesitter
- Lsp
- Illuminate
- Diff
- Git signs
- Git gutter
- Signify
- git-conflict.nvim
- Neogit
- Lualine
- Bufferline
- vim-airline
- Lightbulb
- Ident-BlankLine
- Scrollbar
- Startify
neobeans.vim registers a custom command to switch between dark and light theme.
You can install this plugin with packer:
use { 'mweisshaupt1988/neobeans.vim', as = 'neobeans' }
Or with vim-plug:
Plug 'mweisshaupt1988/neobeans.vim', { 'as': 'neobeans' }
To active the theme call this in your neovim config:
local neobeans = require('neobeans')
nvim_tree = { contrast = true }, -- or use contrast = false to not apply contrast
light_mode = false, -- the default is the dark theme, set to true to enable light theme
Or with vim script:
colorscheme neobeans
colorscheme neobeans_dark
It will automatically set the
to true
The theme sets some custom signs with matching highlight definitions. See custom_signs.lua for details.
The signs require a font patched with NerdFonts glyphs!
If you don't want those signs to be set, disable them prior to loading the theme.
vim.g.neobeans_disable_signs = false
Place this in your lualine config:
local lualine = require('lualine')
lualine.setup {
options = {
theme = 'neobeans',
vim.g.airline_theme = "neobeans"
If you want to get the colors into a lua dictionary
local neobeans = require('neobeans.core')
local colors = neobeans.get_dark_colors()
-- or
local colors = neobeans.get_light_colors()
If you want to override and customize the colors for various parts of the theme check out the config and override like so:
local colors = require('neobeans.core').get_colors()
override = {
CursorLineNr = { fg = colors.foreground },
LineNr = { fg = colors.comment },
Any other colors can be overriden in a similar way.