Model for collaborative rich text editing
Class | Description |
AsyncFlowNodeVisitor | An asynchronous visitor for flow content |
BoxStyle | Represents the styling that is applied to box content. |
CellPosition | Represents the position of a cell in a table |
CellRange | Represents a range of a cells in a table |
CompleteUpload | Represents an operation that completes an upload |
DefaultFlowTheme | Provides a theme for flow content |
DynamicText | Represents a dynamic text. |
EditBox | Represents an operation that edit the contents of a box |
EditTableCell | Represents an operation that edit the contents of a box |
EmptyMarkup | Represents a line break. |
EndMarkup | Represents a line break. |
FlowBatch | Represents a batch of flow operations that are applied sequentially and atomically. |
FlowBox | Represents a flow box |
FlowBoxSelection | Represents a selection inside a flow box |
FlowContent | Flow content |
FlowCursor | Represents a position in flow content |
FlowIcon | Represents a dynamic text. |
FlowImage | Represents a dynamic text. |
FlowNodeVisitor | A visitor for flow content |
FlowRange | Represents a range of flow content |
FlowRangeSelection | Represents a range of selected flow content |
FlowTable | Represents a flow table cell |
FlowTableCell | Represents a flow table cell |
FlowTableCellSelection | Represents a selection inside a flow table cell |
FlowTableContent | |
FlowTableSelection | Represents a selection of cells in a flow table cell |
FlowVideo | Represents a dynamic text. |
FormatBox | Represents an operation that applies a box style to a range of flow content. |
FormatParagraph | Represents an operation that applies a paragraph style to a range of flow content. |
FormatTable | Represents an operation that applies a table style |
FormatTableColumn | Represents an operation that applies a table column style |
FormatText | Represents an operation that applies a text style to a range of flow content. |
HttpFlowSyncProtocol | |
ImageSource | Represents the source of a FlowImage |
InsertContent | Represents an operation that insert flow content. |
InsertTableColumn | Represents an operation that inserts a table column |
InsertTableRow | Represents an operation that inserts a table row |
LineBreak | Represents a line break. |
MergeTableCell | Represents an operation that merges a range of table cells into one |
OpenUrl | An interaction that opens a URL |
ParagraphBreak | Represents a paragraph break. |
ParagraphStyle | Represents the styling that is applied to paragraph content. |
RemoveRange | Represents an operation that removes a range of flow. |
RemoveTableColumn | Represents an operation that removes a table column |
RemoveTableRow | Represents an operation that removes a table row |
ResetContent | Represents an operation that sets the path data of an icon |
RunScript | An interaction that runs a script |
Script | A script |
SetDynamicTextExpression | Represents an operation that sets the expression of dynamic text |
SetIcon | Represents an operation that sets the path data of an icon |
SetImageScale | Represents an operation that sets the scale of an image or a video |
SetImageSource | Represents an operation that sets the source of an image |
SetMarkupAttr | Represents an operation that sets a markup tag |
SetMarkupTag | Represents an operation that sets a markup tag |
SetVideoSource | Represents an operation that sets the source of a video |
SplitTableCell | Represents an operation that splits a merged table cell |
StartMarkup | Represents a line break. |
TableColumnStyle | Represents the styling that is applied to a flow table column |
TableStyle | Represents the styling that is applied to flow table content |
TextRun | A run of text with uniform styling |
TextStyle | Represents the styling that is applied to text. |
UnformatBox | Represents an operation that unapplies a box style to a range of flow content. |
UnformatParagraph | Represents an operation that unapplies a paragraph style to a range of flow content. |
UnformatTable | Represents an operation that unapplies a table style |
UnformatTableColumn | Represents an operation that unapplies a table column style |
UnformatText | Represents an operation that unapplies a text style to a range of flow content. |
UnsetMarkupAttr | Represents an operation that sets a markup tag |
VideoSource | Represents the source of a FlowVideo |
Abstract Class | Description |
FlowNode | A piece of flow content. |
FlowOperation | An abstraction of an operation that updates flow content. |
FlowSelection | Represents a selection of flow content |
FlowTheme | Provides a theme for flow content |
InlineNode | Represents an inline node |
Interaction | A base class for interactions |
NestedFlowOperation | A nested operation at a specific flow position |
NestedFlowSelection | A nested selection at a specific flow position |
ParagraphTheme | Provides a theme for paragraph content |
TableOperation | Represents an operation that updates a table node |
Function | Description |
deserializeFlowContentFromText(text) | Deserializes flow content from the specified plain text string |
deserializeFlowContentFromXml(xml) | Deserializes flow content from the specified XML string |
extractMarkup(input, predicate) | |
getTableColumnWidths(columnCount, columnStyles) | |
isEmptyFlowContent(content) | |
processMarkup(content, handler, register, scope) | |
processNestedMarkup(input, content) | |
serializeFlowContentToHtml(content, options) | Serializes the specified flow content to an HTML string |
serializeFlowContentToText(content, options) | Serializes the specified flow content to plain text |
serializeFlowContentToXml(content, theme) | Serializes the specified flow content to an XML string |
Variable | Description |
attrValueType | |
BASELINE_OFFSETS | Read-only array that contains all baseline offsets |
BOX_VARIANTS | Read-only array that contains all box style variants |
BoxStyleBase | The base record class for BoxStyle |
BoxVariantType | The run-time type that matches box style variant values |
CellPositionBase | The base record class for CellPosition |
CellRangeBase | The base record class for CellRange |
CompleteUploadBase | The base record class for CompleteUpload |
DefaultFlowThemeBase | The base record class for DefaultFlowTheme |
DynamicTextBase | The base record class for DynamicText |
EditBoxBase | The base record class for EditBox |
EditTableCellBase | The base record class for EditTableCell |
EmptyMarkupBase | The base record class for EmptyMarkup |
EndMarkupBase | The base record class for EndMarkup |
filterNotNull | Returns elements from the specified array that are not null nor undefined |
FLOW_COLORS | Read-only array that contains all flow content colors |
FlowBatchBase | The base record class for FlowBatch |
FlowBoxBase | The base record class for FlowBox |
FlowBoxSelectionBase | The base record class for FlowBoxSelection |
FlowColorType | The run-time type that matches text color values |
FlowContentBase | The base record class for FlowContent |
FlowIconBase | The base record class for FlowIcon |
FlowImageBase | The base record class for FlowImage |
FlowImageScaleType | A run-time type that validates the scale factor of an image |
FlowPresenceType | |
FlowRangeBase | The base record class for FlowRange |
FlowRangeSelectionBase | The base record class for FlowRangeSelection |
FlowSyncInputType | |
FlowSyncOutputType | |
FlowSyncSnapshotType | |
FlowTableBase | The base record class for FlowTable |
FlowTableCellBase | The base record class for FlowTableCell |
FlowTableCellSelectionBase | The base record class for FlowTableCellSelection |
FlowTableSelectionBase | The base record class for FlowTableSelection |
FlowVideoBase | The base record class for FlowVideo |
FONT_FAMILIES | Read-only array that contains all font families |
FormatBoxBase | The base record class for FormatBox |
FormatParagraphBase | The base record class for FormatParagraph |
FormatTableBase | The base record class for FormatTable |
FormatTableColumnBase | The base record class for FormatTableColumn |
FormatTextBase | The base record class for FormatText |
HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENTS | Read-only array that contains all horizontal alignment values |
ImageSourceBase | The base record class for ImageSource |
InsertContentBase | The base record class for InsertContent |
InsertTableColumnBase | The base record class for InsertTableColumn |
InsertTableRowBase | The base record class for InsertTableRow |
LineBreakBase | The base record class for LineBreak |
LIST_COUNTER_ACTIONS | Read-only array that contains all list counter actions |
LIST_MARKER_KINDS | Read-only array that contains all list marker styles |
ListMarkerKindType | The run-time type that matches all list marker style values |
mapNotNull | Applies the specified callback on every element in the specified array and returns the resulting elements that are not null nor undefined . |
MergeTableCellBase | The base record class for MergeTableCell |
OpenUrlBase | The base record class for OpenUrl |
ORDERED_LIST_MARKER_KINDS | Read-only array that contains ordered list marker styles |
OrderedListMarkerKindType | The run-time type that matches ordered list marker style values |
PARAGRAPH_VARIANTS | Read-only array that contains all paragraph style variants |
ParagraphBreakBase | The base record class for ParagraphBreak |
ParagraphStyleBase | The base record class for ParagraphStyle |
ParagraphVariantType | The run-time type that matches paragraph style variant values |
PREDEFINED_ICONS | Read-only array that contains all predefined icons |
PredefinedIconType | The run-time type that matches predefined icon types |
READING_DIRECTIONS | Read-only array that contains all reading direction values |
RemoveRangeBase | The base record class for RemoveRange |
RemoveTableColumnBase | The base record class for RemoveTableColumn |
RemoveTableRowBase | The base record class for RemoveTableRow |
ResetContentBase | The base record class for ResetContent |
RunScriptBase | The base record class for RunScript |
ScriptBase | The base record class for Script |
SetDynamicTextExpressionBase | The base record class for SetDynamicTextExpression |
SetIconBase | The base record class for SetIcon |
SetImageScaleBase | The base record class for SetImageScale |
SetImageSourceBase | The base record class for SetImageSource |
SetMarkupAttrBase | The base record class for SetMarkupAttr |
SetMarkupTagBase | The base record class for SetMarkupTag |
SetVideoSourceBase | The base record class for SetVideoSource |
SplitTableCellBase | The base record class for SplitTableCell |
StartMarkupBase | The base record class for StartMarkup |
TableColumnStyleBase | The base record class for TableColumnStyle |
TableStyleBase | The base record class for TableStyle |
TextRunBase | The base record class for TextRun |
TextStyleBase | The base record class for TextStyle |
UnformatBoxBase | The base record class for UnformatBox |
UnformatParagraphBase | The base record class for UnformatParagraph |
UnformatTableBase | The base record class for UnformatTable |
UnformatTableColumnBase | The base record class for UnformatTableColumn |
UnformatTextBase | The base record class for UnformatText |
UNORDERED_LIST_MARKER_KINDS | Read-only array that contains unordered list marker styles |
UnorderedListMarkerKindType | The run-time type that matches unordered list marker style values |
UnsetMarkupAttrBase | The base record class for UnsetMarkupAttr |
VideoSourceBase | The base record class for VideoSource |
Type Alias | Description |
AttrValue | |
BaselineOffset | Baseline offset |
BasicFetch | |
BoxVariant | Box style variant |
CellPositionData | Data for a CellPosition represented by a string with leading upper case ascii letters that represents the column index, followed by ascii digits that represetnts the row index (one-based). For example; |
CellRangeData | Data for a CellRange |
DefaultFlowThemeData | Data for DefaultFlowTheme |
FlowBatchData | Data of FlowBatch |
FlowColor | Flow content color |
FlowContentData | Flow content data is an array of nodes |
FlowContentHashFunc | |
FlowContentHtmlClassKey | |
FlowRangeTuple | Data for a FlowRange represented by a tuple where the first value is the anchor position and the second value is the focus position. |
FlowTableCellData | Data of FlowTableCell |
FontFamily | Font family |
HorizontalAlignment | Horizontal alignment |
HtmlContent | |
HtmlNode | |
ImageUsage | |
ListCounterAction | List counter action |
ListMarkerKind | List marker styles |
MarkupHandler | |
MarkupReplacementRegistration | |
NotNull | Excludes null and undefined from the specified type |
OrderedListMarkerKind | Ordered list marker styles |
ParagraphVariant | Paragraph style variant |
PredefinedIcon | Predefined icon |
ReadingDirection | Reading direction |
ScriptData | Data contract for a script |
StandardImageUsage | |
TextRunData | Data contract for a text run |
UnorderedListMarkerKind | Unordered list marker styles |