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scribing package

Model for collaborative rich text editing


Class Description
AsyncFlowNodeVisitor An asynchronous visitor for flow content
BoxStyle Represents the styling that is applied to box content.
CellPosition Represents the position of a cell in a table
CellRange Represents a range of a cells in a table
CompleteUpload Represents an operation that completes an upload
DefaultFlowTheme Provides a theme for flow content
DynamicText Represents a dynamic text.
EditBox Represents an operation that edit the contents of a box
EditTableCell Represents an operation that edit the contents of a box
EmptyMarkup Represents a line break.
EndMarkup Represents a line break.
FlowBatch Represents a batch of flow operations that are applied sequentially and atomically.
FlowBox Represents a flow box
FlowBoxSelection Represents a selection inside a flow box
FlowContent Flow content
FlowCursor Represents a position in flow content
FlowIcon Represents a dynamic text.
FlowImage Represents a dynamic text.
FlowNodeVisitor A visitor for flow content
FlowRange Represents a range of flow content
FlowRangeSelection Represents a range of selected flow content
FlowTable Represents a flow table cell
FlowTableCell Represents a flow table cell
FlowTableCellSelection Represents a selection inside a flow table cell
FlowTableSelection Represents a selection of cells in a flow table cell
FlowVideo Represents a dynamic text.
FormatBox Represents an operation that applies a box style to a range of flow content.
FormatParagraph Represents an operation that applies a paragraph style to a range of flow content.
FormatTable Represents an operation that applies a table style
FormatTableColumn Represents an operation that applies a table column style
FormatText Represents an operation that applies a text style to a range of flow content.
ImageSource Represents the source of a FlowImage
InsertContent Represents an operation that insert flow content.
InsertTableColumn Represents an operation that inserts a table column
InsertTableRow Represents an operation that inserts a table row
LineBreak Represents a line break.
MergeTableCell Represents an operation that merges a range of table cells into one
OpenUrl An interaction that opens a URL
ParagraphBreak Represents a paragraph break.
ParagraphStyle Represents the styling that is applied to paragraph content.
RemoveRange Represents an operation that removes a range of flow.
RemoveTableColumn Represents an operation that removes a table column
RemoveTableRow Represents an operation that removes a table row
ResetContent Represents an operation that sets the path data of an icon
RunScript An interaction that runs a script
Script A script
SetDynamicTextExpression Represents an operation that sets the expression of dynamic text
SetIcon Represents an operation that sets the path data of an icon
SetImageScale Represents an operation that sets the scale of an image or a video
SetImageSource Represents an operation that sets the source of an image
SetMarkupAttr Represents an operation that sets a markup tag
SetMarkupTag Represents an operation that sets a markup tag
SetVideoSource Represents an operation that sets the source of a video
SplitTableCell Represents an operation that splits a merged table cell
StartMarkup Represents a line break.
TableColumnStyle Represents the styling that is applied to a flow table column
TableStyle Represents the styling that is applied to flow table content
TextRun A run of text with uniform styling
TextStyle Represents the styling that is applied to text.
UnformatBox Represents an operation that unapplies a box style to a range of flow content.
UnformatParagraph Represents an operation that unapplies a paragraph style to a range of flow content.
UnformatTable Represents an operation that unapplies a table style
UnformatTableColumn Represents an operation that unapplies a table column style
UnformatText Represents an operation that unapplies a text style to a range of flow content.
UnsetMarkupAttr Represents an operation that sets a markup tag
VideoSource Represents the source of a FlowVideo

Abstract Classes

Abstract Class Description
FlowNode A piece of flow content.
FlowOperation An abstraction of an operation that updates flow content.
FlowSelection Represents a selection of flow content
FlowTheme Provides a theme for flow content
InlineNode Represents an inline node
Interaction A base class for interactions
NestedFlowOperation A nested operation at a specific flow position
NestedFlowSelection A nested selection at a specific flow position
ParagraphTheme Provides a theme for paragraph content
TableOperation Represents an operation that updates a table node


Function Description
deserializeFlowContentFromText(text) Deserializes flow content from the specified plain text string
deserializeFlowContentFromXml(xml) Deserializes flow content from the specified XML string
extractMarkup(input, predicate)
getTableColumnWidths(columnCount, columnStyles)
processMarkup(content, handler, register, scope)
processNestedMarkup(input, content)
serializeFlowContentToHtml(content, options) Serializes the specified flow content to an HTML string
serializeFlowContentToText(content, options) Serializes the specified flow content to plain text
serializeFlowContentToXml(content, theme) Serializes the specified flow content to an XML string


Interface Description
BoxStyleProps Style properties for box content
CellPositionProps Non-computed properties of a CellPosition
CellRangeProps Non-computed properties of a CellRange
CompleteUploadData Data of CompleteUpload
CompleteUploadProps Properties of CompleteUpload
DefaultFlowThemeProps Properties for DefaultFlowTheme
DynamicTextData Data of line break nodes
DynamicTextProps Properties of DynamicText
EditBoxData Data of EditBox
EditBoxProps Properties of EditBox
EditTableCellData Data of EditTableCell
EditTableCellProps Properties of EditTableCell
EmptyMarkupData Data of EmptyMarkup
EmptyMarkupProps Properties of EmptyMarkup
EndMarkupData Data of EndMarkup
EndMarkupProps Properties of EndMarkup
FlowBatchProps Properties of FlowBatch
FlowBoxData Data of FlowBox
FlowBoxProps Properties of FlowBox
FlowBoxSelectionData Data of FlowBoxSelection
FlowBoxSelectionProps Properties of FlowBoxSelection
FlowContentProps Flow content properties
FlowIconData Data of line break nodes
FlowIconProps Properties of FlowIcon
FlowImageData Data of line break nodes
FlowImageProps Properties of FlowImage
FlowRangeProps Non-computed properties of a FlowRange
FlowRangeSelectionProps Properties of flow range selections
FlowTableCellProps Properties of FlowTableCell
FlowTableCellSelectionData Data of FlowTableCellSelection
FlowTableCellSelectionProps Properties of FlowTableCellSelection
FlowTableData Data of FlowTable
FlowTableProps Properties of FlowTable
FlowTableSelectionData Data of FlowTableSelection
FlowTableSelectionProps Properties of FlowTableSelection
FlowVideoData Data of line break nodes
FlowVideoProps Properties of FlowVideo
FormatBoxData Data of format box operations
FormatBoxProps Properties of format box operations
FormatParagraphData Data of format paragraph operations
FormatParagraphProps Properties of format paragraph operations
FormatTableColumnData Data of FormatTableColumn
FormatTableColumnProps Properties of FormatTableColumn
FormatTableData Data of FormatTable
FormatTableProps Properties of FormatTable
FormatTextData Data of format text operations
FormatTextProps Properties of format text operations
GenericFlowNodeVisitor A generic visitor for flow content
ImageSourceProps Properties of ImageSource
InsertContentData Data of insert content operations
InsertContentProps Properties of insert content operations
InsertTableColumnData Data of InsertTableColumn
InsertTableColumnProps Properties of InsertTableColumn
InsertTableRowData Data of InsertTableRow
InsertTableRowProps Properties of InsertTableRow
LineBreakData Data of line break nodes
LineBreakProps Properties of line break nodes
MergeTableCellData Data of MergeTableCell
MergeTableCellProps Properties of MergeTableCell
OpenUrlProps Properties for OpenUrl
ParagraphBreakData Data of paragraph break nodes
ParagraphBreakProps Properties of paragraph break nodes
ParagraphStyleProps Style properties for paragraph content
RemoveFlowSelectionOptions Options for FlowSelection.remove()
RemoveRangeData Data of remove range operations
RemoveRangeProps Properties of remove range opertions
RemoveTableColumnData Data of RemoveTableColumn
RemoveTableColumnProps Properties of RemoveTableColumn
RemoveTableRowData Data of RemoveTableRow
RemoveTableRowProps Properties of RemoveTableRow
ResetContentData Data of ResetContent
ResetContentProps Properties of ResetContent
RunScriptProps Properties for RunScript
ScriptProps Properties of a script
SetDynamicTextExpressionData Data of SetDynamicTextExpression
SetDynamicTextExpressionProps Properties of SetDynamicTextExpression
SetIconData Data of SetIcon
SetIconProps Properties of SetIcon
SetImageScaleData Data of SetImageScale
SetImageScaleProps Properties of SetImageScale
SetImageSourceData Data of SetImageSource
SetImageSourceProps Properties of SetImageSource
SetMarkupAttrData Data of SetMarkupAttr
SetMarkupAttrProps Properties of SetMarkupAttr
SetMarkupTagData Data of SetMarkupTag
SetMarkupTagProps Properties of SetMarkupTag
SetVideoSourceData Data of SetVideoSource
SetVideoSourceProps Properties of SetVideoSource
SplitTableCellData Data of SplitTableCell
SplitTableCellProps Properties of SplitTableCell
StartMarkupData Data of StartMarkup
StartMarkupProps Properties of StartMarkup
TableColumnStyleProps Style properties for a table column
TableStyleProps Style properties for tables
TargetOptions Provides options for the target flow
TextRunProps Properties of a text run
TextStyleProps Style properties for text
UnformatBoxData Data of unformat box operations
UnformatBoxProps Properties of unformat box operations
UnformatParagraphData Data of unformat paragraph operations
UnformatParagraphProps Properties of unformat paragraph operations
UnformatTableColumnData Data of UnformatTableColumn
UnformatTableColumnProps Properties of UnformatTableColumn
UnformatTableData Data of UnformatTable
UnformatTableProps Properties of UnformatTable
UnformatTextData Data of unformat text operations
UnformatTextProps Properties of unformat text operations
UnsetMarkupAttrData Data of UnsetMarkupAttr
UnsetMarkupAttrProps Properties of UnsetMarkupAttr
VideoSourceProps Properties of VideoSource
VisitRangeOptions Options for FlowSelection.visitRanges()


Variable Description
BASELINE_OFFSETS Read-only array that contains all baseline offsets
BOX_VARIANTS Read-only array that contains all box style variants
BoxStyleBase The base record class for BoxStyle
BoxVariantType The run-time type that matches box style variant values
CellPositionBase The base record class for CellPosition
CellRangeBase The base record class for CellRange
CompleteUploadBase The base record class for CompleteUpload
DefaultFlowThemeBase The base record class for DefaultFlowTheme
DynamicTextBase The base record class for DynamicText
EditBoxBase The base record class for EditBox
EditTableCellBase The base record class for EditTableCell
EmptyMarkupBase The base record class for EmptyMarkup
EndMarkupBase The base record class for EndMarkup
filterNotNull Returns elements from the specified array that are not null nor undefined
FLOW_COLORS Read-only array that contains all flow content colors
FlowBatchBase The base record class for FlowBatch
FlowBoxBase The base record class for FlowBox
FlowBoxSelectionBase The base record class for FlowBoxSelection
FlowColorType The run-time type that matches text color values
FlowContentBase The base record class for FlowContent
FlowIconBase The base record class for FlowIcon
FlowImageBase The base record class for FlowImage
FlowImageScaleType A run-time type that validates the scale factor of an image
FlowRangeBase The base record class for FlowRange
FlowRangeSelectionBase The base record class for FlowRangeSelection
FlowTableBase The base record class for FlowTable
FlowTableCellBase The base record class for FlowTableCell
FlowTableCellSelectionBase The base record class for FlowTableCellSelection
FlowTableSelectionBase The base record class for FlowTableSelection
FlowVideoBase The base record class for FlowVideo
FONT_FAMILIES Read-only array that contains all font families
FormatBoxBase The base record class for FormatBox
FormatParagraphBase The base record class for FormatParagraph
FormatTableBase The base record class for FormatTable
FormatTableColumnBase The base record class for FormatTableColumn
FormatTextBase The base record class for FormatText
HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENTS Read-only array that contains all horizontal alignment values
ImageSourceBase The base record class for ImageSource
InsertContentBase The base record class for InsertContent
InsertTableColumnBase The base record class for InsertTableColumn
InsertTableRowBase The base record class for InsertTableRow
LineBreakBase The base record class for LineBreak
LIST_COUNTER_ACTIONS Read-only array that contains all list counter actions
LIST_MARKER_KINDS Read-only array that contains all list marker styles
ListMarkerKindType The run-time type that matches all list marker style values
mapNotNull Applies the specified callback on every element in the specified array and returns the resulting elements that are not null nor undefined.
MergeTableCellBase The base record class for MergeTableCell
OpenUrlBase The base record class for OpenUrl
ORDERED_LIST_MARKER_KINDS Read-only array that contains ordered list marker styles
OrderedListMarkerKindType The run-time type that matches ordered list marker style values
PARAGRAPH_VARIANTS Read-only array that contains all paragraph style variants
ParagraphBreakBase The base record class for ParagraphBreak
ParagraphStyleBase The base record class for ParagraphStyle
ParagraphVariantType The run-time type that matches paragraph style variant values
PREDEFINED_ICONS Read-only array that contains all predefined icons
PredefinedIconType The run-time type that matches predefined icon types
READING_DIRECTIONS Read-only array that contains all reading direction values
RemoveRangeBase The base record class for RemoveRange
RemoveTableColumnBase The base record class for RemoveTableColumn
RemoveTableRowBase The base record class for RemoveTableRow
ResetContentBase The base record class for ResetContent
RunScriptBase The base record class for RunScript
ScriptBase The base record class for Script
SetDynamicTextExpressionBase The base record class for SetDynamicTextExpression
SetIconBase The base record class for SetIcon
SetImageScaleBase The base record class for SetImageScale
SetImageSourceBase The base record class for SetImageSource
SetMarkupAttrBase The base record class for SetMarkupAttr
SetMarkupTagBase The base record class for SetMarkupTag
SetVideoSourceBase The base record class for SetVideoSource
SplitTableCellBase The base record class for SplitTableCell
StartMarkupBase The base record class for StartMarkup
TableColumnStyleBase The base record class for TableColumnStyle
TableStyleBase The base record class for TableStyle
TextRunBase The base record class for TextRun
TextStyleBase The base record class for TextStyle
UnformatBoxBase The base record class for UnformatBox
UnformatParagraphBase The base record class for UnformatParagraph
UnformatTableBase The base record class for UnformatTable
UnformatTableColumnBase The base record class for UnformatTableColumn
UnformatTextBase The base record class for UnformatText
UNORDERED_LIST_MARKER_KINDS Read-only array that contains unordered list marker styles
UnorderedListMarkerKindType The run-time type that matches unordered list marker style values
UnsetMarkupAttrBase The base record class for UnsetMarkupAttr
VideoSourceBase The base record class for VideoSource

Type Aliases

Type Alias Description
BaselineOffset Baseline offset
BoxVariant Box style variant

Data for a CellPosition represented by a string with leading upper case ascii letters that represents the column index, followed by ascii digits that represetnts the row index (one-based).

For example; A1 represents row 0 and column 0, and DF45 represents row 44 and column 109.

CellRangeData Data for a CellRange
DefaultFlowThemeData Data for DefaultFlowTheme
FlowBatchData Data of FlowBatch
FlowColor Flow content color
FlowContentData Flow content data is an array of nodes
FlowRangeTuple Data for a FlowRange represented by a tuple where the first value is the anchor position and the second value is the focus position.
FlowTableCellData Data of FlowTableCell
FontFamily Font family
HorizontalAlignment Horizontal alignment
ListCounterAction List counter action
ListMarkerKind List marker styles
NotNull Excludes null and undefined from the specified type
OrderedListMarkerKind Ordered list marker styles
ParagraphVariant Paragraph style variant
PredefinedIcon Predefined icon
ReadingDirection Reading direction
ScriptData Data contract for a script
TextRunData Data contract for a text run
UnorderedListMarkerKind Unordered list marker styles