This application can generate a Sitecore XDB Sync token that is required by the Sitecore XConnect Indexworker to determine which changes need to be indexed.
- Download the latest version from the Releases
- Run SyncTokenGenerator.exe
- Fill in the connectionstring to your Shard Map Manager database and press enter.
This is the same as the "collection" connectionstring within XConnect, for example;
"user id=myuser;password=mypass;data source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Sitecore_Xdb.Collection.ShardMapManager" - The token is generated, if you want to update Solr with the new token, type Y and press enter.
- Fill in the connectionstring to your XDB Solr core.
This is the same as the "solrCore" connectionstring within XConnect, for example;
"https://solr:8983/solr/sitecore_xdb" - After the application is done the sync token is displayed, and according to your choice Solr is updated as well.