Write maintainable Selenium tests, fast.
AppDi is a .NET library designed to:
- Eliminate boiler plate code
- Encourage maintainable tests
- Provide transparent reporting (upcoming release)
AppDi allows you to write a test like this:
//Simple case using the framework end to end
public void PerformBingSearch()
//Create a driver to interact with bing.com
dynamic BingDriver = AppDriver.Factory()
//BingHome property (pageobject) was dinamycally registered with our driver
//Convention for dynamic properties is to use 'PageObject' suffix, which is removed from actual property name
//e.g. A class named BingHomePageObject will be registed with the AppDriver as BingHome
Given that you have a PageObject like this:
//The parent PageObject is provided by the AppDi framework
public class BingHomePageObject : PageObject
[FindsBy(How = How.Id, Using = "sb_form_q")]
public IWebElement SearchBox { get; set; }
[FindsBy(How = How.Id, Using = "sb_form_go")]
public IWebElement SearchButton { get; set; }
public BingHomePageObject Load()
return this;
public BingHomePageObject Search(string term)
return this;
Highlights from this example:
- AppDi allows you to start using Selenium's [PageObject Model] (https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/PageObjects) without any boiler plate code.
- You are able to dinamically register PageObjects with your App Driver object at creation. Removing the need for classes whose only purpose is to expose a set of properties containing page objects.
New feature in v 0.9.2-BETA.1:
###Registering multiple PageObjects at once via their namespace (dynamic registration):
Given that you have a namespace containing clases that derive from PageObject:
namespace VanillaPageObjects
/// <summary>
/// A vanilla helper class to enable unit testing.
/// </summary>
public class ConcretePageObject : PageObject
/// <summary>
/// A vanilla helper class to enable unit testing.
/// </summary>
public class VanillaPageObject : PageObject
You can then register all PageObject under that namespace at once using its name as a parameter to the Reigster method:
//Note that I am explicitly loading the namespace that I am about to register
using VanillaPageObjects;
public void Ignores_Classes_That_Do_Not_Have_PageObject_suffix()
//We are passing a string of the namespace containing the PageObjects we want to use.
//Only classes that directly derive from PageObject will be registered.
dynamic driver = SUT.Using<PhantomJSDriver>().Register("VanillaPageObjects").Create();
//The created AppDriver has two Page Objects registered (Concrete, and Vanilla)
Assert.Equal(2, driver.PageObjectsCount);