Terraform AWS module for creating VPCs with Public and Private subnets backed by NAT Gateway instances. Also a VPC endpoint to S3 is created for public and private routes.
The following example would create:
- 1 Public subnet in 2 AZ with an Internet Gateway
- AZ1 (us-east-1d):
- AZ2 (us-east-1e):
- 1 Private subnet in 2 AZ with a NAT Gateway on each AZ
- AZ1 (us-east-1d):
- AZ2 (us-east-1e):
variable "vpc" {
default = {
"cidr_block" = ""
"newbits" = "8"
variable "vpc_azs_list" {
default = [
module "vpc" {
source = "../../modules/tf-aws-vpc"
cidr_block = "${var.vpc["cidr_block"]}"
newbits = "${var.vpc["newbits"]}"
azs_list = "${var.vpc_azs_list}"
tags = {
prefix = "${var.env["prefix"]}"
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
azs_list | List of Availability Zones (provides a way to specify the AZ where subnets will be created). | string | <list> |
no |
cidr_block | CIDR block that the VPC should cover | string | - | yes |
enable_dns_hostnames | Should instances launched inside the VPC be assigned DNS names | string | true |
no |
enable_dns_support | Should DNS resolution be supported for the VPC | string | true |
no |
enable_nat_gateways | Provision nat gateways | string | true |
no |
newbits | Number of bits that the CIDR should be extended with when creating subnets | string | 8 |
no |
tags | A mapping of tags to assign to the resource | map | - | yes |
vpc_dns_server | DNS Servers for the VPC | list | [AmazonProvidedDNS ] |
no |
vpc_endpoint_dynamodb_policy | A policy to attach to the endpoint that controls access to the DynamoDB service | string | `` | no |
vpc_endpoint_s3_policy | A policy to attach to the endpoint that controls access to the S3 service | string | `` | no |
vpc_zone_name | The suffix domain name to use by default when resolving non Fully Qualified Domain Names | string | `` | no |
route_propagation | A list of virtual gateways for propagation | list | - | no |
Name | Description |
availability_zones | List of the AZs that will be used |
private_route_tables_ids | Identifier of the route tables used by all the private subnets |
private_subnet_ids | List of private subnets identifiers |
private_subnets_cidr_blocks | List of private subnets CIDR blocks |
public_nat_gateways | List of Elastic IP addresses associated to the NAT gateways |
public_route_table_id | Route tables |
public_subnet_ids | Subnets |
public_subnets_cidr_blocks | CIDRs |
vpc_cidr_block | CIDR block that the VPC covers |
vpc_id | Identifier of the VPC created |