Here are all my solutions to numerous HackerRank challenges as I complete them. This is my personal effort to improve on my problem solving skills and to prepare for future technical interviews. Feel free to browse through them and let me know if you see any solutions that could be optimized further. Thank you!
My solutions are broken up into the sections mimicking the categories found on their website. However, they are also broken up by their marked difficulty down below:
If you're looking for a certain category:
- Constructive Algorithms
- Cracking the Code Interview
- Data Structures
- Dynamic Programming
- Implementations
- Miscellaneous
- Strings
- Warmup
- Array: Left Rotation
- Binary Search Tree: Lowest Ancestor
- Caesar Cipher
- Camel Case
- Compare the Triplets
- Compare Two Linked Lists
- Detect Cycle
- Game Of Thrones I
- Hash Tables: Ransom Note
- Height of a Binary Tree
- Kangaroo
- Mars Exploration
- Mini-Max Sum
- Palindrome Index
- Pangrams
- Plus Minus
- ReducedString
- Reverse a Linked List
- Reverse a Doubly Linked List
- Sock Merchant
- The Love-Letter Mystery