Python interface of Scalable Bayesian Rule Lists described in the Paper: Yang, Hongyu, Cynthia Rudin, and Margo Seltzer. "Scalable Bayesian rule lists." arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.08610 (2016).
Original C Implementation: by Hongyu Yang et al.
Note: This package is not fully tested.
Now pysbrl is available through PyPi (with wheels for macOS and linux), you can install it via pip.
pip install pysbrl
import pysbrl
rule_ids, outputs, rule_strings = pysbrl.train_sbrl("data/ttt_train.out", "data/ttt_train.label", 20.0, eta=2.0, max_iters=2000, nchain=10, alphas=[1,1])
is the list of ids of rules
is the outputs matrix (prob distribution as a vector per rule)
is the whole list of rules in the format of strings like u'{c2=x,c4=o,c5=b}'
You can retrieve the selected rules by
rules = [rule_strings[i] for i in rule_ids]
Also note that the last rule is always "default".
A few C libraries are required to compile this package
GNU GSL: You can download from here:
On macOS, you can easily install them via Homebrew
brew install gsl gmp
To properly build this module, you need also install swig to generate interface code for wrapping.
git clone
cd pysbrl
pip install -e .
The major code for this project is train.c
, rulelib.c
, and pysbrl.c
defines the api that exposes to python.
The interface between C and python is defined in pysbrl.i
After modifying the code, run swig -Wall -python pysbrl.i
to generate pysbrl_wrap.c
To build all wheels for linux, you can use docker.
First pull the manylinux docker image:
docker pull
Then run the scripts/
to build the wheels.