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A framework built on top of sklearn for error evaluations of tree-based models


  • Uninstall the sklearn library installed on your device (or use a new virtual environment).
  • Pull the fork of sklearn with error tolerance analysis extension.
  • Check out the branch called "bet".
  • For first time installation of the sklearn with the error evaluation extension, run the following command in the root folder of sklearn: python3 -m pip install --editable ..
  • After the first time install, when the source of sklearn is modified, it can be compiled using: python3 -m pip install --verbose --no-build-isolation --editable ..
  • To test TREAM, first download the MNIST dataset to the folder data/mnist using the script and then run the following command: python3 --model=RF --dataset=MNIST --depth=4 --estims=3 --store-model=1 --trials=3 --splitval-inj=1 --nr-bits-split=8 --nr-bits-feature=8 --int-split=1 --export-accuracy=1.
  • To check the experiment results, go to folder experiments then go to the folder with the time stamp of the experiments, and view the results.txt. The model will also be stored here as a .pkl, which can be loaded again into the framework.

Here is a list of the command line parameters for running the error evaluations with TREAM:

Command line parameter Options
--model DT, RF
--depths Integer, maxmimum depth of the decision tree(s)
--estims Integer, number of DTs in RF
--trials Integer, number of repetitions of the error evaluations for the same bit error rate, default: 5
--seed Integer, seed for the reproducability of experiments, default: 42
--splitval-inj 0/1, whether to inject bit errors into the split values, default: 0
--featval-inj 0/1, whether to inject bit errors into the feature values, default: 0
--featidx-inj 0/1, whether to inject bit errors into the feature indices, default: 0
--chidx-inj 0/1, whether to inject bit errors into the child indices, default: 0
--int-split 0/1, whether to use integer representation for splits, default: 0
--true-majority 0/1, whether to use the true majority, instead of the standard weighted majority, default: 0
--store-model 0/1, whether to dump the model file, default:0
--load-model String, loads a model from the speficied path in the string, default: 0

More information on the command line parameters can be found here.

If you find TREAM useful in your work, please cite the following source:

Mikail Yayla, Zahra Valipour Dehnoo, Mojtaba Masoudinejad, Jian-Jia Chen "TREAM: A Tool for Evaluating Error Resilience of Tree-Based Models Using Approximate Memory". Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS), 2022.

  author="Yayla, Mikail
  and Valipour Dehnoo, Zahra
  and Masoudinejad, Mojtaba
  and Chen, Jian-Jia",
  title="TREAM: A Tool for Evaluating Error Resilience of Tree-Based Models Using Approximate Memory",
  booktitle="Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS)",

Please contact me if you have any questions: