A framework built on top of sklearn for error evaluations of tree-based models
- Uninstall the sklearn library installed on your device (or use a new virtual environment).
- Pull the fork of sklearn with error tolerance analysis extension.
- Check out the branch called "bet".
- For first time installation of the sklearn with the error evaluation extension, run the following command in the root folder of sklearn:
python3 -m pip install --editable .
. - After the first time install, when the source of sklearn is modified, it can be compiled using:
python3 -m pip install --verbose --no-build-isolation --editable .
. - To test TREAM, first download the MNIST dataset to the folder
using the script and then run the following command:python3 run_exp.py --model=RF --dataset=MNIST --depth=4 --estims=3 --store-model=1 --trials=3 --splitval-inj=1 --nr-bits-split=8 --nr-bits-feature=8 --int-split=1 --export-accuracy=1
. - To check the experiment results, go to folder
then go to the folder with the time stamp of the experiments, and view theresults.txt
. The model will also be stored here as a.pkl
, which can be loaded again into the framework.
Here is a list of the command line parameters for running the error evaluations with TREAM:
Command line parameter | Options |
--model | DT, RF |
--depths | Integer, maxmimum depth of the decision tree(s) |
--estims | Integer, number of DTs in RF |
--trials | Integer, number of repetitions of the error evaluations for the same bit error rate, default: 5 |
--seed | Integer, seed for the reproducability of experiments, default: 42 |
--splitval-inj | 0/1, whether to inject bit errors into the split values, default: 0 |
--featval-inj | 0/1, whether to inject bit errors into the feature values, default: 0 |
--featidx-inj | 0/1, whether to inject bit errors into the feature indices, default: 0 |
--chidx-inj | 0/1, whether to inject bit errors into the child indices, default: 0 |
--int-split | 0/1, whether to use integer representation for splits, default: 0 |
--true-majority | 0/1, whether to use the true majority, instead of the standard weighted majority, default: 0 |
--store-model | 0/1, whether to dump the model file, default:0 |
--load-model | String, loads a model from the speficied path in the string, default: 0 |
More information on the command line parameters can be found here.
If you find TREAM useful in your work, please cite the following source:
author="Yayla, Mikail
and Valipour Dehnoo, Zahra
and Masoudinejad, Mojtaba
and Chen, Jian-Jia",
title="TREAM: A Tool for Evaluating Error Resilience of Tree-Based Models Using Approximate Memory",
booktitle="Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS)",
Please contact me if you have any questions: mikail.yayla@tu-dortmund.de.